Man, pet owner, and married Dad here, I bought two robot vacuums for our home recently, and a third as a gift.
Man, pet owner, and married Dad here, I bought two robot vacuums for our home recently, and a third as a gift.
Man, pet owner, and married Dad here, I bought two robot vacuums for our home recently, and a third as a gift.
Man, pet owner, and married Dad here, I bought two robot vacuums for our home recently, and a third as a gift.
Hmm... I suspect I won’t get stars here given the usual population... but good for Tulsi. I lean left on most any issue (and even consider myself left-leaning when it comes to trans-rights), but we have to be realistic here. If you don’t accept that biological men have a distinct advantage in muscle mass / bone…
When I was a kid and gaming (and parental controls were a lot more of a cr*p-shoot than they are now) what we would now call online bullying was a certainty at some point. All that could be done was keep kids offline (nearly impossible and probably not realistic even then) or teach them that the [block] button is…
I mean, the whole point of something like an ETF or index fund is to pay very little in fees. The big thing with keeping savings in a local bank is that money will then ideally be lent out to the community. With an investment intermediary, I would argue that it doesn’t really matter that much who you do it with. Since…
I agree, but one problem is the person studying a degree that, stand alone, is “worth less” but also the few prerequisites courses for med school, or other well paid professional school. Assuming they get the MD, DDS, etc., the high five figure debt from the undergraduate degree should be easily paid off.
It actually wouldn’t be unprecedented, and you don’t even have to go back that far. LBJ did not seek a second term. It’s true that he served six years, the first two being the final two of what was JFK’s term. Still, presidents are allowed to serve for two full terms, or ten years total. Calvin Coolidge similarly did…
Joe Biden will not be running for reelection. It is rarely spoken of, but widely understood. Harris will obviously be the early favorite for the nomination, but I expect we will see some competition for it, as we should.
One of the many great things about Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)— which Maine has, and NYC may soon have — is that there is no possibility for needless runoff DO-OVER elections.
Is that on his ‘laptop from hell’?
He’s a patron of the arts.
Now that you’ve voiced it, you know, I wouldn’t be surprised one whit if he put up some metaphorical walls on that matter, which again, underscores how cartoonishly villainous this turd is.
IDK how Biden's rallies are organized but Kamala was in town near me recently and all we knew before hand was that she'd be nearby, idk how or when they announced the location. Seems the small numbers might be on purpose to keep crowds down?
It is simple, don’t watch them. Cast your vote and don’t worry about it till they are ready to announce the certified results.
Don’t put a fake number, just don’t list it. If they really care, they can ask. You can then have a discussion around why they think it’s important, and point to more recent successes in your work history. False info on a CV is a big no no.
What I remember most about being in Houston was that everyone drove at least an F-150 sized vehicle and had a cell phone in hand at all times.
What’s the drinking (or toking) game for tonight’s debate.
This is a very important PSA. Also an opportunity for me to link to one of my favorite video shorts from recent years.
we already have that in Tennessee!
The subsidies that are available if Obamacare sticks around are such that you could easily retire early. We are currently paying $400/month for a family of four. However, that’s a big ‘IF’.
Note the Solar Panel is sold separately and runs another 150 dollars
Note the Solar Panel is sold separately and runs another 150 dollars