
So the coverage of football has bothered you more than watching the games, but you still pay attention to the coverage, just not the games. Ok.

There were 3 shooters in the JFK shooting: Oswald, the grassy knoll, and a squirrel in a tree on Dealey Plaza.

Choke the Raven nevermore.

God, the Bulls were horrible to watch the last two years when they had at least a couple of good players.

Only two Bulls games? I think your formula needs to be revisited.

I gagged a little thinking about Bulls-Kings and Bulls-Nets games.

Any Chicago Bulls game.

Needs more Bulls games.

Perhaps RP1 isn’t for everyone. I love the book and Cline’s use of nostalgia as a vehicle to tell a story. Being a child of the 80's, watching the same movie over-and-over again was what we did. Why, because we didn’t have the internet, smart phones, or 1000 cable channels.

Adults who write long think pieces about YA fiction are the fucking worst.

Adults who write thousands of words long think pieces about why young adult novels actually really suck are the fucking worst.

Could you be any more pretentious?

I loved this book. I regret nothing and I will own it. It was very fun.

This was the first Disney Star Wars product I wasn’t on board with. Harrison Ford IS Han Solo, whether it be as a 30 year old in Star Wars, or as a crusty old man in Force Awakens. He’s my favorite character in the entire series. I don’t want to see someone else’s interpretation of him.

The odds are almost 100% that they’re going to end that movie with him being some kind of hero and it’ll completely negate his character arc in the original trilogy.

Yep, this was a bad idea from the first. Not to mention that a rather significant part of Han Solo’s charm is that, you know, he’s Harrison Ford.

The Thunder without Russ go from a playoff team to like...30 wins. It’s frankly fucking astounding that so many people don’t understand what “most valuable” means.

You’re right. I was listing things that make a good player a good player. So I’ll take the hit there.

So in a league with few functioning centers or serious interior play, we’re going to cite Zaza’s defense & rebounding against big men who don’t exist as proof he’s better than those other three ppl (two of whom play different positions)?

Luc Longley did indeed suck. But I say he sucked less than Pachulia. It could be the great sports debate of our time.