Give the kid a break, he learned how to play defense from James Harden.
Give the kid a break, he learned how to play defense from James Harden.
Well, Fallout: New Vegas comes close, and the original Doom games have a massive amount of new maps and mods, but I would say, no. Skyrim is a whole other beast.
I had about a 100 hours of Skyrim under my belt and was done, until I discovered the mod community. Now I’m done again but I’m at 630 hours. And I’ll be back in again when the Special Edition comes out. My question is: Has any other game been so incredibly friendly to and benefited by the mod community and with such a…
It’s too perfect.
It seriously never gets
That Leeroy Jenkins one... absolutely priceless.
I was going to call him the world’s worst Cubone cosplayer.
God I hope this is sarcastic.
Until Trump takes power and all goodwill between countries collapses.
You’re going to ruin my sick burn by revealing that I didn’t do Molten Core until we were all so high level it didn’t matter. Shhh. They can never know.
Thanks for the counter-point and downright catty finish. You’re a fun read!
I don’t think it’s so much a ‘problem’ or ‘shocking’ as amusing because of the circumstances. I mean, gameplay can often not be considered canon in certain games, but this is a cutscene. Cammy just canonically pulled a package as big as two of her fists from what appears to be her ass. That’s kind of funny in an…
You dumbz
It’s entirely possible that he was over-exaggerating and she’s not ball breaking at all.
Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.
Tom, thanks for making me interested.
It’s been years since I’ve been able to enjoy playing an online first-person shooter. Back when I was a younger,…
As a co-author of one of the most hardcore Skyrim mods around (under a different nickname), I applaud this article. It’s informative without being judgemental, which is something I appreciate immensely. Cheers!