
It really is some backwards circular logic their using to justify the price hike. I don’t give a crap about Amazon Original Programming. I just want to be able to stream the existing Movies and TV Shows on Prime Video.

I get what you are saying, but at least he put $11 million into circulation instead of just leaving it in his swimming pool of gold coins. Sure he might of spent it on stupid things, but the people he paid probably did something worthwhile with it, like pay for medical care, or college for kids.

It seems like the claim is better described as gross negligence, and it might be viable in Texas.

Good thing for mobile deposit these days!

That is an incredibly idiotic thing to write. And it's patently false.

Have no fear, Twitter will still welcome him with open arms.

Wrong product photo. What you’ve got pictured is the big brother BOV900BSS — a $319 Breville that’s larger and has 13 cooking functions instead of 10, including Air Fryer (hence the basket). It’s on sale at the same “-36%” too, but considerably more expensive.

Wrong product photo. What you’ve got pictured is the big brother BOV900BSS — a $319 Breville that’s larger and has

Weirdly, I never go to either.

We already have plenty of high-orbit/geosync satellites up there doing things, but transmission lag time is a big drawback of those that you can’t engineer out.

Nikki, I think you’ve made some very poor decisions recently by leaving out HAL 9000, but I’ve still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in you.

Her: OS System” is a typo. OS=operating system, so you just wrote “operating system system.” You’re probably the type of person who says “ATM Machine” too. That’s redundant. Please fix it.

And let’s not forget the Helium shortage.

You spoke about 3 tiers but only described 2 (standard and value). What is the third tier of ticket?

It floated across Alaska and Canada and entered Montana from the north where it was noticed.

Interesting points, but couldn’t you collect ELINT more clearly, more covertly, and in a more targeted manner from sensors on the ground? As opposed to a giant object everyone can see that floats around and you cannot control the direction of?

He almost certainly meant using the gun on the fighter plane. Downside being that the holes would potentially be small, so the balloon might take hours to descend.

What is with this stupid idea that they should cut costs to meet the dividend? Why should regular employees, who had nothing to do with any strategy decisions, be forced to lose pay? If they actually have cash issues, which no tech company has shown they actually have, then why aren’t they cutting the dividend first?

Probably more about Bill’s injury recovery and Frank getting sick.

I’m surprised Trump didn’t buy it and make it the new Airforce One. It’s probably perfectly gaudy and tacky enough inside for the troll with zero taste.

Let’s see.