
Yep, loved my Leatherman Wave to 10 years — until some TSA jerk store mine from my CHECKED bag. They even left their standard "Your bag was inspected" flyer.

Yep, go to 6:25 to see the E6B. The core of it is basically a circular sliderule. The part shown with the transparent dial is used to determine the correct heading to take to hit your intended destination give a crosswind speed and direction, compensating for drift.

The E6B has been around since the 30s and the B-52 since the 50s. I would think the USAF would have updated the avionics to at least the 90s by now both structurally and with regards to avionics.

Billions of dollars in military spending and the flight engineer uses a $31 Jeppesen E6B computer like I have in a drawer somewhere around here?

Do people make Kent State jokes? JFK's or RFK's assassinations? Me Lai? All five of these incidents occurred in the same era. It is too soon for this massacre too. See GingerMan512 above if you want to see why this was a distasteful move on the author's part.

"So after a long day at the range (or at the top of a clock tower)...."

Actually, I was not referring to Captain Planet — I'm too old for that. I was referring to The elements referred to by the ancients prior to Aristotle, who added "aether" as a fifth element to the mix. No, I'm not as old as Aristotle.

The other two elements, earth and fire, will feel so left out.

Some stores — or at least Best Buy — can automatically email your receipts to you with each purchase if you have their shopper's card.

While I don't agree with their decision to use different USB versions, this is called "product segmentation".

Wasn't it, IIRC, General Motors who announced a few months ago at they will no longer advertise on Facebook?

Anyone working retail and standing on their feet for hours will appreciate the intent... but the execution leaves something to be desired.

Because animals can read??? :-/

I do the same with Desert Juniper Gin from an Oregon microdistillery. Per one of the co-owners, whom I know, I drink it ice cold with a bit of fresh lime. It is pale green from the local juniper berries rather than crystal clear.

Yep, a G&T with lime is my default drink. I've been trying out some microdistillery gins from Oregon, which is where I live. Juniper is a common wild bush so fresh berries are available much of the year.

There is no hint that it is a bongo drum stand until later in the video. Until then, it looks like a sight gag — a glass-topped side table, minus the glass. I suspect Chevy Chase suggested that bit.

This is ancient, ancient "news", going back at least 20 years. If a couple were having trouble conceiving, a doctor would suggest wearing boxers instead of briefs to provide more cooling for the little swimmers.

Yep, no viewfinder is an instant thumbs-down for me too. At least Olympus offers an electronic viewfinder as an option, though it occupies the hotshoe, making it unusable for a flash, and is very low resolution.

I was a 19 year Kodak employee.

The old turbo button wasn't really to speed-up a computer, it was to slow the clock down, usually to 6MHz, for those programs which would not run or run well at 8 MHz or 10MHz.