
I feel like she is only invisible in the camera footage due to color contrast. In real life, I am a 100% sure if I was driving , I’d have seen that woman’s bright bicycle or a silhoutte easily.

Now playing

Oh yes they have... at least Dreamworks: (logo at 4:10)

Alternative headline: 99% of gender complaints at Microsoft are a baseless waste of everyone’s time.

Hook this comment directly into my veins.

hell you could walk into a classroom and blow peanut dust and likely kill a few. people always find a way to kill when they want to.

Or more accurately a country that fails to parent their kids properly and doesn’t believe in mental disorders anymore and just thinks kids will magically get better with time. Japan has the most violent video games and tv shows for kids yet they don’t have problem with excess violence in the real world. I’m not

As an actual healthcare professional, these procedures are neither medically necessary nor should they be covered by insurance (especially taxpayer funded insurances)... this is a psychiatric disorder, not a physical one

BEST POST OF THE DAY. Gizmodo is for stories about . . . wait for it . . . GIZMO’S . . . Cool, shiny things that go BEEP BEEP BOOP. Start a sub-blog called I dunno... Politicrap and post there . . .

Russian meddlers spent approximately 0.05% on ad buys that Clinton and Trump did. If you think 0.05% of the advertising during this election actually swung the election, I have a bridge to sell you.

Democrats have been trying to look for someone to blame for their loss in the election, just like parents of Autistic

A company truly on fire

Wow Apple has been KILLING it lately, huh?

Show this to the “Russian collusion crowd” and watch their heads explode.

Also on a sidenote... isnt the Black Fist a symbol for the original racist Black Panther movement? Yet you proudly displayed it not once, but TWICE.

So... The irony about this movie is astounding... The Black Panther is an isolationist, a Wakandan nationalist who puts his people and country first before anything. He has the ULTIMATE BORDER WALL (equipped with a hologram dome). He refuses to help the surrounding shithole countries and punishes illegal immigration

Oh geez... people will find anything to complain about. This is NOT a defect, it is a feature. The white rings allow you to exactly place the HomePod back in it’s original position so you don’t have to go through the setup process again in case you move it. It’s like none of you have owned Apple products.

Why is the plan disgraceful if it offers nutritious food, saves money, and would reduce fraud? Your examples regarding misdelivered packages and shut off gas or electric are invalid because the box is only part of a household’s benefits - the rest is delivered on an electronic payment card as before. I know,

I am a liberal, but I like precision. If someone starts saying a bunch of racist shit after presenting the US flag, I don’t come to the conclusion that the flag is racist. What they are saying IS racist, but the flag that they have chosen to present with it is not. I will take proper and eager offense at their racism,

It’s all part of the same problem.

Still seems like small beer compared to the almost $4 billion in tax incentives Foxconn is getting.

Well you can always get in alt coins now. Get some free at https://t.me/airdropscentral