
That razer is much cheaper on eBay, brand new $45

That razer is much cheaper on eBay, brand new $45

if you use a pi-hole, you will have no ads on crackle

or we just do what Sweden did, shelter the weak, build up the herd immunity, and not cripple the economy over unvalidated fear

but the movie is about one person, and the person who the did the sexual abuse was not that person... so....

and apparently you are STILL too dumb to see what I have been saying this whole time. They used a number that out of context, seems ridiculously high when really you could probably divide that number by like 500 or more easily to try and find the actual number of people this happened to instead of the number that they

gotta love todays cry baby culture huh

just because you didnt understand the first time doesnt mean i changed my argument. you just can’t read. and I said multiple times, they used this statistic specifically because its a bs number that appears artificially inflated. uneducated readers just see that big number and assume the problem is way worse than it

yeah once again, if i have an extended family thats 200 people, 199 people were family members who knew that person who died. and probably had 200+ “friends”, so just by 1 person dying, you can say 400 friends and family knew somebody who died. why not just say the actual number, instead of how many people knew

I mean that’s your definition of knowing somebody? There were like 350 people in my graduating class of high school. Roughly 1200 at my high school, I have a pretty large extended family, I have worked with probably 400 different people throughout my different jobs. So I guess I know somewhere around 2000 people, give

in other news, teenagers are sheep and due what they are told to do on social media and follow the herd mentality. this isnt news. when a celebrity commits suicide, teen suicide rates sky rocket. They are children and dont know what they are doing and pretty much do what they see on tv/internet.

Or you could just ban it?

damn, physical only, its 2019, i dont want to deal with physical copies... 

damn, physical only, its 2019, i dont want to deal with physical copies... 

you know snowflakes are liberals right? literally cry about everything and need “safe spaces” and no its still 50%, and i dont “pay” but they earn money from clicks, so they are getting “paid” by me visiting their site. i know this is hard for you to understand because its actually using facts and not emotions.. but

How many political posts do you need to post. For the love of God. Move on. Just like i don't expect to see many baseball articles on a tech news site, i also don't expect to see so many political articles. Kinja can make an entire website dedicated to political news if it wants, it doesn't need to keep posting it here

You can easily report tech news without going into giant political rants every 5th story. If you think you can't, maybe you need to look into why you feel the need to bring politics into everything.

i think his point is you didnt make an entire article bashing Biden when he did it. Also if you didnt know, this is gizmodo, not cnn. enough with the politics already. get back on subject (tech news)

Well since roughly 50% of the country who voted, voted for Trump, then yeah, you are alienating roughly 50% of the potential consumers. Also since this is supposed to be a tech news site, asking for them to keep on topic shouldn't be a huge ask. But unfortunately the temper tantrum from the left refuses to let up. 

You claim the right dehumanises people but you refer to the right as deplorables... So yeah typical leftist, accuse the right of something when you are actually the ones doing it.

Gizmodo is supposed to be tech news. not politics. just like i dont expect to see much car news because that would be on Jalopnic. People

We get it, you’re liberal and hate Trump. Sick to tech gizmo news please. This isn’t CNN, people don’t come here for political news. They come here for tech news. Why alienate 50% of your readers when you don't have to?

yeah and with no returns either for a lot of cases, so you buy a game for $60 because it looked awesome, and then you play it and it sucked. Looking at you Anthem.