
No kidding, I’m more than willing to lend my voice to the industry, plus a little extra money wouldn’t hurt

You can jump in this game, even jump and attack, they’ve been getting better with this the last few games

You might be able to detect movement from your peripherals but that’s about it. It’s not like you could read a book anywhere in that 210°. Your eyes are actually quite terrible past anything like 45° off center. When playing games with a map or ammo counts they are in your fov but I bet you actually move your eyes to

No. The Xbox one will only compatible with 100 360 titles by the end if the year. There will be countless games that will NEVER be backwards compatible. Plus if you used your 360 to play original Xbox games those probably will never work either. I’m in the preview program and there are currently like fifteen games

yeah... I REALLY don't see it. Do you know what Ellie looks like?

yeah, i am in the military and i was at the PX (its the army equivalent of walmart) today, mind you i broke my ankle and am in crutches, and my wife had my baby with a stroller, and was carrying bags, and we didn't park in a handicap spot because i really feel that its not needed, I'm not really in pain or anything

its RIDICULOUSLY slow. I am an xbox gamer all the way, i sold my ps3 shortly after buying it and dont really want a ps4. That being said, everything about the interface on the xbone is slower than hell. You want to send somebody an invite real quick no problem, oh wait, it is a problem, open up friends... wait for it



I agree, I'm not saying to rush a review that's not ready in time, but if you wait till release, even at the exact minute it's released, people have already been waiting in line for midnight release or buy digitally, or have their preorder on the way already. If you play the game and have issues with it not being as

where was this article during the timeframe that it was open? I found all 151 on day 1 and never knew about having to post something

same here, caught all 151 but never saw the part about leaving them a message

yeah... definetly just you, im playing just fine, although im playing in germany

and this could easily be made even more on time by not having a human element to it at all

omg, I know they cant because of balancing mid match when other people quit, but I HATE being added to a losing team like 2 mins before the end of the match and there is nothing I can do to help out. That or when people dont realize what gamemode it is like hardpoint domination and they play like its attrition.