
You’ve never shopped with a three-year old, who can spot a Frozen character at 100 yards. And sure, you say no, but it makes grocery shopping unnecessarily fraught. I say ban the kid-directed marketing for all foods as a start.

I support these kind of warning labels, but I also believe that advertising that targets children should be illegal. They’re easily influenced by marketing claims, flashy visuals, and catchy songs. Parents (and grandparents, and caretakers) don’t necessarily have the time, education, or resources to evaluate the

It’s interesting how in the USA tobacco and alcohol are prohibited from advertising/sales to kids, but sugar and unhealthy foods are totally fine. Unhealthy food causes more deaths than smoking. I’m all for restricting advertisements for unhealthy foods.

I mean seriously, what can’t this thing do?

And Astroglide was originally intended for use when cooling space shuttles. Also,

Likely story. Jason - and all of Jalopnik - has been in the pocket of Big Otter Jizz for years now.

I could get a good look at a comment by sticking my head up a Jalopnik’s ass, but I’d rather take the Star’s word on it. 

5th Gear: At this point I’m hoping to catch the Coronavirus so I can die and not have to here about every new case of it from the guy I share an office with. The bonus is that hopefully he will catch it too.

Maybe inappropriate, yet I can’t help but think of this, and Dumbledore’s words of wisdom to Harry: “This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth.  Men have wasted away in front of it, even gone mad.”

If you read the Hobbit after Lord of the Rings, you won’t like it as much.

Don’t be silly, Christopher Reeve wears glasses*, Superman doesn’t wear glasses.

“Unless you want to get cute and cite something like E.T. or Mrs. Doubtfire, there aren’t a lot of movies about divorce.”

Was the 25lbs of pulled pork and cornbread in one sitting? If so, might wanna add that to your profile too

The window sticker listing FSD and other options the dealer got from Tesla when they bought the car from them is pretty clear evidence that Tesla acknowledges that the car was sold to the dealer with those options.

man, I even put the ‘s’ at the beginning of the post so people like you wouldn’t have a rage stroke before you got to the ‘/s’ at the end.

I see Tesla is now doing with their cars what I used to do with my Bumble profiles. See, I’m not technically lying — you see, I used to be a chiseled, rippling mass of 6'4" muscle.

Oh it'll probably brick itself without regular communication with a certain server. Something like that. 

I’m mad about it and it didn’t even happen to me..... This is pretty horse shit... Essentially Tesla messed up and sent out a car with features it shouldn’t have had, then remotely disabled them.... nah that’s crap. They messed up, they need to eat the cost.

This should be a cautionary tale— Tesla is clearly telegraphing intent to “make life miserable” for owners once these cars go off warranty and off support. Parts will get hard and “keeping the functions I paid for” will get even harder.