
“They BOUGHT their tickets!  ... I say, let’em crash!”

There could not have been any reason for the urgent care to suspect the boy was in imminent danger; if corona virus directly caused the cardiac arrest then it was an outlier reaction.

Having no health insurance is an underlying condition.

Nine’s Out was right there.

I do think using a meat thermometer this way would be quite dangerous. 

I don’t get the blanket outrage for people being landlords. Are they good landlords? Do they take care of the property? Do they offer reasonable rental rates comparable to similar properties? Do they keep rent increases limited? Then what’s the problem with making an investment that provides a decent place to live?

Probably because so much of what passes for being progressive online is taking ideologically sexy but wildly unrealistic positions and then shitting all over people who don’t match those positions 100%

Agreed. Most people would not have a place to without rental properties. Slumlords are bad but anybody trying make an honest living renting out home or apartments are not the bad guys.

It sounds like Hamilton Nolan is writing under the pen name Joan Summers. 

But it should be easily agreed upon that accumulating rental profit from the wages of people likely making far, far less than you is at best a tad questionable.

I have no issues with Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard owning a building and I think they’re being really good landlords by not charging rent for April. It’s decent and I wish my apartment complex would do the same.

Getting eaten by Kinja is my fetish but Google is being a dick and won’t tell me the exact name for this. I DESPERATELY NEED TO KNOW who is in my group and who isn’t!  What is the word for what I am?!?!

Just wait until all the sewage treatment plants go offline because of all the baby wipes clogging up the system.

It’s interesting, because now people are buying it purely because it’s going on a run/selling out and they don’t want to be left without. They’re replicating behavior as a fear reflex. Also, misinformation or assumed supply shortage.

...with no comments. what’s the fucking point?

The only reason this isn’t widespread is because of articles like these, and private companies cancelling events or telling employees to stay home. The alternative of ignoring it and believing that this is all a conspiracy invented by the world to elect a Democrat in the White House would be the results of the Spanish


Extra note to those same panic buyers: STOP BUYING BABY WIPES IN PLACE OF TOILET PAPER!!


As this episode is the series’ farewell to Wuntch, it makes sense that it pulls out all the stops when it comes to Holt’s various insults for the woman/witch/goat/succubus/human blister/zombie/Korean toilet ghost who embarrassed him in front of Derek Jeter.