Blues Brother

Alas we now know who got the other sword

Exactly what I thought too!

May I have a little cream my with my Shae Pie? ;-P

I wondered if he was choking on a bit of chopped dove which accidentally made it's way on to the plate, but I think it might have been in the pie rather than the wine.

I am very much enjoying seeing where they take Arya's character. To others who replied, I don't think Arya is a sociopath at least not what I understand as a sociopath to be - just that she was happy to have her own horse and to have some revenge. The fact that she killed that guy without hesitation wasn't as big as a

I agree totally - she kills without remorse or hesitation. I can't wait to see how her character develops given how much she is already capable of. Needle seems a little too small for her now, in more ways than one.

Of course we know you can't fight while wearing heels ;-P

I agree and it also illustrates how routine saving numbers has become.

I agree that Carter wouldn't have approved but the coin toss also represents the fact there are now two very capable helpers and that saving numbers had almost become "routine" for both of them.

Did anyone notice that Root spoke Dutch and English to Bear? In the scene when Greer takes out Davis, Root almost got the "zit" (sit) correct but then later said "walk" and even google translate tells me that walk in Dutch looks/sounds nothing like "walk".
Seems like someone couldn't decide whether Root should have

I'm guessing this might have been mentioned before, but with no adequate search function I couldn't check - I'm guessing we all know that John Nolan (Greer) is uncle to Christopher and Jonathan? It was only after a Batman movie marathon on the weekend that I put it all together. D'oh.

I know I'm trying to apply real world logic and science to a tv show but there is no way that minivan would have started like that after 18 months of sitting on the road - the battery would most likely have lost all charge and the gas would have degraded quite a bit so if the engine did start it would probably run

Exactly - we're dealing with Walking Dead logic / tv writers logic so while WE would ask these questions the characters never seem too.
Although who knows - the writers may have put something in and the show runner cut it, or it was edited for time or a whole bunch of reasons. It's impossible to apply real world logic

Why do they never mention that eating all that sugar, especially Korl eating the ENTIRE huge container of pudding and very likely upset stomach and extreme diarrhoea that he would suffer? The all seem to have iron guts which can eat anything and rarely suffer any consequences?