
The game was designed around having these bots integrated into the matches. They aren't going away. As for hearing the lines over and over again, I played for probably 2 hours straight specifically trying to record lines from them, and not only did I not hear any repeats, I also didn't hear any of the lines that other

I walked into a room where two grunts were fighting I saved my grunt and while I was running off all I heard was "THANKS SIR YOU SAVED MY LIFE" ...I felt really happy about myself...

I LOVE Battlefield 4's 64 player carnage =D

The thing most people who hate the idea of grunts are forgetting or ignoring is we play games for fun. To have fun.

So multiplayer can have bots that lesser skilled players can go after. Those of us who play on a higher level can still enjoy our pilot on pilot shenanigans and whatever else. It doesn't take anything

Confession time

I dunno about dead...

Figures Rice couldn't manage more than 3 yards on this carry

He wakes up in the morning, turns off his alarm. "Hurry downstairs or you will be late to work again!", says his mom.

OH COME ON!!! We need more details than just that Jason. Is Kotaku doing any further investigation than just this news article. They should be!

"People who continue to kill gaming because they aren't gamers"

Oh, you've played it then? If you haven't and you've already come to these types of conclusions then I wouldn't expect any evidence to change your mind...

She's completely right about everything. I've played the X1 beta, and it's freaking awesome. It is genuinely more fun.

WRC suspension design is insane - the way that the car just sits and powers out with no rebound after the landing is evidence of some kind of engineering black magic.

Right? This is definitely worse then war and racism and stuff.

Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, For Sweden. Your sad devotion to that ancient platform hasn't helped you conjure up more P71 fleet orders or given you clairvoyance enough to find the rebel who vandalized....*choke*

You know, after reading all that I could find about this case, I couldn't help but put things in perspective... I mean, I'm not rich, I don't live in a first world country, I don't "suffer" from Affluenza, and my parents probably wouldn't try to get me out of something like this, but thanks to that I'm not the kind of

Targa it!

Yes, tell me more about how Mitsubishi is a competitive brand

Snape kills Dumbledore.