Nah. He shows an obvious *preference* for recurve bows, but he’s used compound bows plenty of times.
Nah. He shows an obvious *preference* for recurve bows, but he’s used compound bows plenty of times.
My favorite exchange so far was during a clash with Catwoman while I was using Green Arrow. While entangled in each other’s weapons:
I use GBA4iOS. If you find an emulator on iOS without jailbreaking that can utilize these models, let me know!
I use GBA4iOS. If you find an emulator on iOS without jailbreaking that can utilize these models, let me know!
My cube-mate at work has one and I tried to use it on the emulator on my iPhone 7 with current software. No go. The issue isn’t the Bluetooth connection, they pair just fine and the controller is detected without issue. It’s that a lot of emulators and iOS games don’t speak the language that the controller defaults…
My cube-mate at work has one and I tried to use it on the emulator on my iPhone 7 with current software. No go. The…
I’m only about 10 hours in, but I think the game tries to imply that the Typhon aren’t really bound by time and space like we are. At least, that’s what I gathered from Alex’s “let’s help mankind ascend” speech when you get your first Typhon nueromod ability. If I remember correctly, he says something like, (heavily…
My brother works at a ritzy hotel and met him once. Got to chat with him a little in the hotel restaurant. Said Pine was gracious, charming, and didn’t give off an air of superiority like some other celebrities he’s met there. There’s just something endearing about a celebrity that isn’t a douche.
Lud is a gigantic, ruined, New York-like city. This looks like a small desert village. I mean, it could still be Lud if that’s just how the movie peeps want it to be, but at least based on what we know for now based on the books, it doesn’t seem to match Lud.
I think you would need to re-learn the meanings for “fact,” “literally,” “unthinkable,” “obvious,” and “objectively” before we could continue this conversation lol. Have a nice rest of your day, though!
I’m a huge fan who owns every book, in multiple formats, with some copies of the physical books, and two first editions, who’s been re-reading these every couple of years for a decade. I disagree with everything you said. But that’s the beauty of of these things. We all experience them differently, and so build…
I never made that connection, actually. I mean, I did, but not framed like that, and now that you’ve stated it like that (the all about “alternative” families bit), I actually agree and like it even more. It’s totally true. And yeah, I feel like IBO did away with a lot of the tropes that stick Gundam while keeping the…
Lolol, that part was kinda wtf to me, but I appreciated that it showed more to Mika, too, than just “What needs killing, boss?” Like you said, it did at least show that he was learning to love life and all the messiness that brings. No innuendo intended.
I really want them to animate the IBO Steel Moon side story manga. Gundam Astaroth Origin is one of my all time favorite Gundam designs. Barbatos is way up there too, as well as Vidar, but man … that Astaroth.
I really loved the changes from the typical “main” pilot in a lot of Gundam shows when it comes to Mikazuki. There’s obviously exceptions, but generally the main character can be whiny and spends 3/4 of the series saying how much he hates killing as he pilots a 60 foot tall weapon of mass destruction. Mika was just…
Absolutely. Gundam series finales typically just fall into “satisfying” or “not satisfying”, for me, simple as that. But IBO’s ending had me wrecked. I cried, I won’t lie.
Ha, that looks awesome! And yeah, I’ve heard good things about the 00 kits being fairly easy to work with for bashing. Thanks for the heads up!
It’s the Try Burning Gundam, looks like. It’s definitely not the Build Strike or any of its forms, and the standard Build Burning doesn’t have all the blue Plavsky dispersal parts in the limbs and chest.
That’s the basic strategy the whole series lol. Until he gets the Lupus Rex, then it’s bash and tear with his bare hands.
Nice, man. I just recently got “serious” about Gunpla after shittily throwing together some kits. I’ll be where you are soon, at this rate. I’m working on a kit bash based on Exia and Nadleeh from Gundam 00 right now, but god I love Barbatos so much. I’ve already built a 1/144 Barbatos just to have it, but since all…
That’s because Saheeli isn’t a creature, she’s a Planeswalker, which is treated as almost a hybrid of a creature and player. Short refresher; in game lore, Planeswalkers are mages that are so powerful they can walk between dimensions. The whole premise of Magic is that YOU, the player, are a Planeswalker, and the…
The story says that, per Howard, the confession was allegedly drafted by the police and he was told he’d be let go if he signed, as he was told it was just a statement regarding the “facts” the police had gathered so far. At the time, per Howard, he was functionally illiterate as he was a 9th grade dropout. Because of…