
I do see what comment you’re referring to, but I was referring to their original comment. However, having said that and after re-reading their original comment, they didn’t really make a blanket statement there either, simply stating that $16/hr was good money for some. I guess I maybe projected a bit as I make

No shit. I make over $22/hr and am not in poverty or anything, but definitely not wiping my ass with $100 bills. My brother makes $16/hr and lives with me because he can’t afford his own apartment without a roommate and he can’t do that right now. $16/hr is good money if you’re single with no kids and live with your

Lol, it was vicariously cathartic.

Holy shit this sums it up so well.

Yeah, your comment summed it up nicely for me. The man’s only crimes that I can personally see are that he is bad at clearly conveying his feelings and he lacks tact. That describes half my friend group. It’s nowhere near “6,000 comments of outrage” bad, IMO. I don’t even understand this.

Yeah, I live in a quiet neighborhood where I can creep along without much worry of backing up traffic, and people recognize my car so they don’t call the cops on me, and if I keep it about 10mph it’ll register.

It’s definitely distance. You can see the prints decrease in number as you get closer when you single out a ‘mon.

Feel free to share the most memorable time someone puked all over you in the comments.

Someone referenced the Man of Steel movie?

Yes, the Mazdaspeed 3 is a turbocharged performance variant of the Mazda 3.

Seriously, why is this hard to understand?

Wanted to hate you for this article, but laughed too hard at “there’s a Dorito-looking rotor on an eccentric shaft that moves in an oblong arc in a housing that’s sealed with what might as well be string cheese” for hate to take hold of my heart.

Father of three. I fucking love this response.

“Twenty years earlier, this would’ve been Milla Jovovich.”

Close enough?

My wife and I called them “assplosions.”

Yes, agreed. They played different roles, but Vader’s was simpler, at least in ANH. He was faceless terror. A bogeyman, and that’s it. Simple, but perfect for his role in the film. Ren is layered, flawed, an actual person. Which I feel is still perfect for his role in this film. People keep trying to compare him to

Was going to say almost exactly what you did. I had a conversation this morning with a co-worker that said he was too much of a “pussy” as well. It’s such a weird over-simplification to me. I know a lot of people wanted this to be a more self contained film instead of a set up for following movies, but it just isn’t,

Iruga did a pretty good job of explaining it, but I’ll add that what they mean by it being free to anyone with an Xbox One applies to the Backwards Compatibility service itself. You don’t have to pay for the ABILITY to play 360 games. But you still have to own/buy the games.

This. Remember Rage? That was a super fun game, but was really short and not much happened during the course of the game. I still payed $60 for it, and I don’t immediately remember anyone crying about it. Vanilla Destiny wasn’t great. But it was good and it kept us playing long enough to get great, and that’s fine