
Sure, I don’t know Portuguese, but I’ll try to muddle through with the bit of Spanish I know:

Environmentally, atomic is quite a bit ahead of coal.

To me the real problem is that to get the batteries we are doing the same strip mining for rare earth metals instead of oil. Then there’s the issue of where those are located and whether or not we just created a new OPEC.

I agree but there is one thing that compensates for this. An electric car can be just as bad as a gasoline/diesel car when you account for the source of the electricity. However, if clean energy is eventually sourced (wind, solar, whatever) all of the sudden the e-Car is completely clean, and the other is still

As the whole tree hugging movement pushes for electric cars they continue to overlook the facts. Making electricity, for the most part in the US, is done by burning coal or use of atomic power. Both of these come with an entirely different set of problems. Adding everyones car to the electrical grid would require us

You're mostly an OK commenter. The next time you tl;dr a post and then criticize it anyway, you're getting banned.

As a gay man, I'd say that sometimes it is exploitative and patronizing. This is mostly the case when they are gathering into a bachelorette party. Personally, that is one of the most offensive things that can be done at a gay bar. We are all working so hard for our right to marry, and you're going to come to a gay

I think that's where this article fails because it never holds straight women accountable for their bullshit. But this being Jezebel, a balanced look is waaayyyy too much to ask for.

This is a good point. I lived in Manhattan for years and now live in Westchester County, and I have female friends here that lament the fact that they have no gay male friends because it would be "so fun!".

Gay men can be incredibly misogynistic, but straight women often treat them like little accessories. Talking about a gay privilege in this context seems disingenuous unless you're referring to the way gay cis voices dominate the LGBT discussion.