Because they all, as far as I can tell, are willing to publicly explain their public political statement.
Because they all, as far as I can tell, are willing to publicly explain their public political statement.
He shouldn’t have publicly endorsed him if he didn’t want to be held to account for his opinion.
If Hillary had done something like issuing an executive order to take away all the guns in her first week in office, yeah. He’d probably be getting asked about it.
Say what you want about Colin Kaepernick, but when he made an overt political statement, he answered questions about it. Hell, since “balance” is so important, I’ll say even old Curt Schilling is willing to engage criticism about his expressed political beliefs.
If Colin Kaepernick had to put up with every reporter’s BS in a thoughtful, intelligent manner on a team nobody outside Silicon Valley even remembered existed, a guy who is on the verge of his 5th SB ring can surely muster up something to say about a goddamn hat.
Yapping show dog pisses all over country, is unsure why humans are upset.
I’ve got an invoice for an ‘Libruls are the REAL terrorists!’ (™) brand SafeSpace for a Locomotive Jones, here. Can somebody sign for it? Anybody can sign. I gotta build a lot of these things today.
Holy shit you never fail to top your own stupidity.
New plan. Anyone who ends up in a room with both President Trump and Steve Bannon-shake Bannon’s hand first. Call him Mr. President and make it clear that you believe he is the man in charge. It’s the “doesn’t she look tired?” to Trump’s ego that will cause him to dump Bannon at the first opportunity.
They won. They legitimately won. In 15 short years, with only one goddamn major attack, they got America to completely dismantle its liberal democracy and install a fascist dictatorship.
My guess is he had someone else do it. I suspect that when he isn’t on TV Trump can’t handle firing people. Kind of like how he couldn’t be mean to Obama in person after all those years of insults and threats.
The last holdover from Obama gets the axe but we’re supposed to believe Baby Hands is following Obama’s reasons for banning Muslims from those seven countries.
From what I’ve heard they refused to run it by DOJ. Which in a normal administration is not a thing that happens.
I will go to my grave laughing at all the people with “strict constitutionalist” and “libertarian” in their social media profiles who undyingly support the proto-fascist who couldn’t give two shits about the rule of law, or even recite it for that matter.
Director of ICE was fired today too.
O’Reilly is a pretty canny fucker, though. He knows that he’ll look better for pulling out his humanitarian Catholic “high road” card than doubling down on this dumpster fire ban.
The irony of course is she refused to betray the Constitution- the betrayal which matters above all else.
I posted a bit about The Drive By Truckers concert on SNS, but one bright spot in the middle of the heartland, at a grungy Southern Rock concert I stood in a group of largely mid-twenties to mid-fifties white dudes, all cheering in support of Black Lives Matter and immigrant and yelling “Fuck Trump.”
Lol hey people who voted for Donald Trump: he does not care about the US Constitution.