
Yeah, well I can only make stick figures without arms! Yes I know....

HTC needs to become developer friendly. Create a phone that is release free from any and all bootloaders, runs stock android, as clean as a whistle, but with top of the line hardline. Make it the phone of our dreams.

They are still in pre-order, as they dont have enough stock to supplement a release, but some users are reporting that they have recieved them.

Feb. 30th, that the fuck is that shit?

What about the Klipsch Mode M40's.

I remember that, but I'm only 23.

gifts from others:

Bejeweled 2 was free on facebook from the app store page.

Ohh a Humvee.

Well lets see.

10 years ago or so, when I was 14, at a block party I held onto the back of a car riding a skateboard going 35+ in a 25 residential, it should be noted I just used the skateboard to ride down a small hill (1/2 a block) to a friends house as I was a fat (still am) little kid who was lazy and didn't feel like walking.

He works for Google, so I wouldn't be surprised if he has solar panels or a wind turbine of some sort.

I would actually like to see the awards, and also of them being presented, and would like to also see the trailers, but separate them a little bit. Split the show into two parts. One half business with awards, and the other half party with trailers, premiers, announcements, etc. kinda like e3 midpoint.

Bill gates has ashton of money.

It should be 19. While it may seem like a weird age, kids turn 18 a week after they start their senior year, and giving alcohol to a minor would still be punishable. Least coming to high school hungover, which interferes with their learning, and the learning of others.

Really, how much were you reselling them for. I finally got one through OnSale's second offering, after the Amazon fiasco.

Alpha 3 fixes the wifi issue on Android, but I'm currently running Alpha 2. The battery for me seems to drain pretty quickly and it takes a while to charge while under Android.

It's not as popular as Android.

LED-LCD's are more energy efficient that normal LCD's.