
It takes a little bit of work, but nothing to complicated. The best release for the touchpad is to use a nightly. You can find them here: http://get.cm/?device=tenderloin

We spend too much time online, because I agree with the underscore being in the title.

they were using xbox controllers for the live demo

Come on man, you forgot to include Super Mario Bros. That shit has been the same since it was released back in '85.

Bullshit. Blops II will have all the attention. Just wait for it.... "Early access to downloadable content only on Xbox 360."

I call for a celebration of on Dec. 21, 2012.

Sorry mistake on my part. Yes HDMI was added later to the Elite console, but prior to that you had component cables.

You can get a new HDTV from Walmart for as low as $115. Not sure how it will hold up in the long-run.

Exactly, once the network providers switched over to digital, we left the analog era. It's time to upgrade your television.

When the 360 came out MS was concerned with HD, because they included component and hdmi cables in systems, but they have not included such cables for at least 3 years.

If I want to detox, I just order Taco Bell. Nothing is better at getting shit out of my system then that.

I think its special, because its the only time you can sit next to a naked old guy and not feel uncomfortable.

You mean it does not ship with this enclosure.

Why stop there. Let them design a car. :)

I think we should let them design a notebook, or better yet a phone.


So will I get the beta token emailed to me, from gamestop, since I've had this pre-ordered since gears 3 was released?

Basically by using kinect, everything is already done for them. If the developers wanted to use the normal mic, they would need to implement their own voice recognition system, which would require additional developer time, but then the business decision is why waste resources when its already done.

How dirty are we talking about here, skid marks or no.

Well just imagine it as an art piece. I here those can sell upwards to millions and millions of dollars.