
Why don't they implement a camera on board, that transmits every second so they know exactly what happens.

Good for HTC. I'm assuming that they are using the same type of technology that they currently implement into the line of HP Envy's.

Well learning to hot wire cars will be a good life skill, for when the aliens attack.

i thought it had its own ranking system separate from multi.

they have just saved a shit-ton on shipping costs. so i doubt we will see a price increase.

So let me get this straight.

Why, does this make me feel like we should be seeing this in the theaters.

Same, I really wish that they had the option to put it on hold.

Nope. :)

Well it was a pic Bear Grylls.

I bet she had a fire-crotch!

If I take down this bear, can I call you a pussy?


Hey, it worked for Windows 7.

as long as you redeem the code on the same live account, your golden.

do you still have the invite email unused, if so can i have it. thanks.

Dam, that sucks. Whats the difference between watching it on your computer hooked up to the tv, and just watching it through the xbox.

The Democrats are on the right of this one, and the Republicans are on the wrong. Cut spending, reduce wages, and raise taxes on the rich (coporations included).

So you want NFL Gameday access for ESPN 3. Hmmm.... interesting, a season pass for 4000 ms points. Come on NFL, get working on it, you have all this free time now.

That's between ESPN and your ISP.