
Wait, people just leave their cars unlocked? They must have grown up in very trusting communities or are profoundly stupid. The best “reason” I’ve heard was that they were tired of people breaking their window to steal nothing so they left the doors unlocked with a note in the window.

Roav C2 by Anker. $150, has gps speed and local wifi to download video to your phone. Also has an internal battery that will run the camera in a low power state when the vehicle is parked or the assholes at the dealer unplug your cam.

I’m pretty sure I could nitpick those apart. Nothing is original, everything is derivative. 

That mac pro is way over priced. I just willy nilly parted out a pc based on whats the most expensive. Still came out with $3k to spare.

just buy unlocked phone. 

Also when Epic grabs a  game it becomes region locked, so people in other countries cannot even purchase it. Super slimey

Yeah, I saw the Urano Gray and fell in love. Its now in my drive way. XD

Guess I’m waiting until April 2020 then.

Yeah, but no Halo.


He’s pegging the G-meter. If the airbags didn’t go off, then there would be issues.

Just about every apartment complex I’ve lived in has this rule or even expanded it to bar oil changes on their property. Protects their image they use to sell to potential tenants. The first thing I do when I was looking for places to live would be to check out the cars of people living there. I personally stayed away

Not OP, but have Fi. I find in city and metro environments it is really great at finding WiFi. I get it in diners, dealerships, coffee shops, and a bunch of other places.

Maybe it has something to do with them completely trashing the game and then having the gall to charge players $40+ for an expansion that “fixes” the game. By all rights, all the mechanics updates Destiny 2 has received over the past year should have been part of the base release. The first two expansions were a

With enough money and resources just about anything is possible.

*Cringes at actor using vacuum on a computer.*

I need EV’s to not cost me anymore time on a trip than my ICE. I’m spending thousands of dollars on a vehicle, so it better be able to handle, at the very least, my vacation/holiday driving. I make several 5+ trips a year. The charging time and range of the EV needs to be fast and long enough that it doesn’t

I have several of these. While awesome, not enough to dry my car in one towel.

I have several of these. While awesome, not enough to dry my car in one towel.

It’s called a portible DAC. Some phones even have them embedded in the device. Allowing people to use the quality high impedance headphones over shitty Beats.

The headphone jack, like a standard transmission, will have to be pried out of my cold dead hands. The minute amount of convenience that Bluetooth (or an automatic trans) offers doesn’t offset the advantages of the prior tech.