
I think its the other way around. Because its so dark, I don’t think motorist can see pedestrian.

There are a lot of fuckwads that drive around without their lights on because they either think DRLs are acceptable or can’t tell the difference.

My wife was mad that I was gaming too much. She just started playing games with me instead and I took part in her hobbies. I always found that taking an interest in your partner’s interests can go a long way. Any night she takes some time to play with me is a great night.

I never really got the whole smart watch thing. All its functions seem trivial to me. A normal watch displays time in a better format (no wrist wiggling or screen tapping). Smart watches are poor pedometers and mediocre activity trackers. As a male, having my wrist vibrate or my pocket vibrate for notifications makes

I’ve had one for a year now. I honestly have no issue with forward visibility. As for rear, you might as well not have glass back there. Its probably because I’m close to nominal height for car design or maybe I just found the ideal seating position. I see lights just fine and I have my mirrors adjusted properly to

You are 4" taller than the average american male and in the 95th percentile of height. Vehicles aren’t designed for everyone in mind, that would be impossible. They are designed for the average and then the extreme seating positions are meant for upper percentile male and lower percentile female height.

They are made to accommodate the upper percentile male and lower percentile female. Nominal position will be for an averaged sized person. You, sir, are not average sized.

They aren’t being set by California. Indirectly, sure, but OEMs could build vehicles for each state’s requirements. However, that is a waste of time and money so they will just build to the strictest requirement for the market.

I only have 2. One for gas and one for everything else. Biggest thing is just managing your debt to credit ratio. The next biggest thing is to not buy anything you couldn’t already purchase with your debit card.

The real structure comes from the reinforcement inside concrete. Concrete will crack for a variety of reasons, some of which are considered nonthreatening. Its far more likely that either a last minute design change or a mistake in construction caused the failure.  

Cracks in concrete can happen from a thousand different factors. An air bubble could have formed a void that became a point of propagation. Maybe they didn’t account for the expansion for steel when it gets hot. Moisture can do a lot of damage via seasonal thermal cycles. It easy to look back and say “Ah, you know

Hindsight is 20/20. Concrete cracks all the time with a structure is settling. The true strength comes from the steel reinforcement. If anything I’d wager that something was assembled incorrectly, the builder cheaped out on materials, or the engineer fucked up his free body diagram.

Maybe if it didn’t have stupid door handles. It looks like the door trim is delaminating.

I wish more cars were offered in green.

This was also my speculation. Why buy a truck now when new ones are coming out soon. Plus the older model will probably have decent incentives to clear out any remaining stock.

The game is far to expensive to not do this. I would never recommend anyone to play WoW for $15mo plus expansions. There are MMOs out there that are 80% as good and cost far less to stay current.

There are alternative versions that I would recommend new players look into first. Personally I don’t think the game is worth the investment, its borderline highway robbery for its price. To get the most recent version of the game and play for a year costs upwards of 200USD. That’s a fair amount of money to blow on

I’m betting that they assumed the type of person who would get all the fancy electronics would also get the heated leather seats. Generalization, but the type of person who wants cloth seats probably doesn’t care for electronics in their vehicle.

Yup, having that wideangle view makes a world of difference. I got to drive a new Bolt a ways back that had the Full Display Mirror. I feel like that is the next step because it has people looking at their mirrors instead of down at their infotainment.

1st Gear: