
In 2023 Buick had sales of over 517,000 units in China. Demand for its CENTURY flagship MPV and the Envision Plus SUV stayed strong. The brand sharpened its EV offensive through the introduction of its first Ultium-empowered models – the Electra E4 and Electra E5.

I buy older cars. The foam has almost certainly off-gassed all the chemicals that might be dangerous from the manufacture.

7 5/8 or 61.  Thanks for asking.

Every time we get new design ideas in market, people bitch about it.

A HANS device and full roll cage doesn’t meet FMVSS standards...

The bench seats are not certified as meeting Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards

I don’t have time to google it now but I’m pretty sure I remember something about rearward facing seats actually being safer (it looks like these particular ones are not because of build quality, not direction). Instead of your body flying forward in a crash the seat stops you and also protects you. One of you guys

I’m not sure if news of Tesla overpromising and under delivering is more predictable news, or Ford issuing a recall.

I don’t think it’s a NART thing at all. I thought it was more directly influenced by this particular 412P:

He is giving a Nazi salute. This was at a Nazi meetup. 

IMO it is less issues with other people in the team and more that he’s 65 years old, has been doing this since 1981 and just wants to retire to his yacht and maybe design some non-rules-bound road/track cars.

It goes beyond that. Traffic lights also have their origin in old mariner tradition. Since the boat pilot sits on the right side of the boat (the starboard side), he may not have a clear view to the left (port) side. Therefore, any boats on his port side must yield to him. This is why the starboard side of the boat

it would have the opposite effect it would be easier to increase horsepower than reduce weight my guy.  

Now you know why certain people in power do everything they can to destroy the education system in the US.

It DID have winglets when it began its takeoff roll. The wings drooped so much under the weight of the fuel that the tips abraded, and the winglets were barely attached. It nearly ended the attempt. Dick Rutan used the rudder to sideslip the aircraft and put enough sideload on the winglets so they broke off, and they


Korea and the US have a tariff-free trade agreement, so the chicken tax argument is DOA, 

There’s “exploring abandoned military facilities” and then there’s “exploring abandoned military facilities that were actually theme parks.”

So do Rahssian sailoors, I theenks.

Gawker media sites have always trolled readers for clicks to some extent. Jalopnik had plenty of anti-car posts from Alissa Walker for years. Sure, she was clearly interested in urban planning and transportation. It was also clear that she thought of car culture as a mistake, or archaic/unsustainable at best.