
Sony doesn’t need money. Cash flow is not their problem.

If Chevrolet teamed up with Apple, they could release...

I’d settle with dating Gladio.


Was it intentional to post this right after the Thrustmaster review?

And should it fail and they go right back to how 5 and 6 were then thank you for proving Capcom right...Re5 and Re6 were the highest selling in the franchise sitting at 7 and 6 million so when they go back to a more horror toned theme and it doesn’t sell well then they can go right back to what made the game sell.

it’s a 180 deg vee, not a boxer motor — more ‘flat’ 12s are like that than you think

Thank you for including links.

Clistopyga cornholia

Settle down beavis, or I’ll have to kick your ass again.

Uh, huh huh... butthead.

we’re getting more quality content out of Star Wars now because of the sale than the average at best stuff we were getting before hand.

Holy shit.

Well, urine trouble now. You broke the seal and now the puns will shower down.

Its a rebadged Mazda BT50 we have them both.

So what you’re trying to say is you don’t think Ford would take a decade platform sold worldwide and pawn it off as “new” in the US? Remember this is the same company that gave us the same 1st Gen Focus with a series of facelifts for thirteen years.

Now playing

These things are an exercise in marketing and profit margins, they are incredibly cheaply built and sold at eye watering prices even by Australian standards.

You mean Spla2n.