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    That’s not how the franchise sports financial model works. Making sure a team like Haas actually still makes money and is rising in valuations benefits the other teams as it helps justify their even higher valuations. If Gene eventually says he’ll sell for a billion dollars, no other Team Principal is going to

    The problem is Gene being content with just sitting on the grid using the cars as billboards for his CNC machines while also earning money due to F1 teams’ rising valuations.

    tank turn

    Given that the internet as we know it wasn’t a thing at the time, it’s likely the 33 was simply not in mind when he saw the Sera.

    As of this reply, there are three separate comments about the 1007. Definitely an egregious ommission.

    Now playing

    This list is missing the Peugeot 1007 and it’s front sliding doors.

    Even if it’s smaller than what’s on the rest of the range, that kidney grille still looks like a different company trying to look like a BMW than an actual BMW.

    See the SVX entry and the mention of other cars having it, but only because their door designs required it (Subaru did it on the SVX just because they were Subaru).

    Already mentioned via the SVX’s windows. Except while the DeLorean and Countach used it due to limitations to their door shape, the SVX had it just for shits and giggles.

    Peter Stormare is a treasure

    Doesn’t excuse the more gimmicky implementations, including some with some drawbacks, such as this one on the Cybertruck.

    The whole not fitting thing raises one obvious question, why have a good chunk of the EV manufacturers decided to go with these kinds of unique” locations for their vehicles charge ports when we already have a good solution for an opening in your vehicle where you stick you fuel/power in?

    Back when Ray Wert was in charge, that kind of thing would be encouraged as “dragoning,” aka a car that was sexy enough that a passing dragon would be tempted to bump uglies with it.

    No, it’s just written with that snarky, sarcastic demeanor meant to either get some winks and chuckles, or get people to comment.

    Seeing some of these care be 25 years old makes my knees hurt.

    Just call the Lockpicking Lawyer. He can probably get that open within the span of a short 3 minute YouTube video.


    This post needs an award, preferably delivered by someone who seems to have forgotten some article of clothing in their rush to deliver said award.

    Kinda strange to point out Mark Rober’s time at Apple when he’s probably more known for his time at NASA where he worked on, among other things, the Curiosity rover.

    I’m guessing it’s a stock part used in other applications and using software is cheaper than modifying a physical stop for every use case.