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    I wonder if the car being built by Multimatic has anything to do with it, since the Porsche 963 LMDh they’re bringing to the WEC are also built by Multimatic.

    Because the motorsports world revolves around more than Aussie Supercars.

    More like missing the point since the Mustang in the article isn’t for Supercars but for its own one-make series in IMSA.

    Renault/Alpine is somehow making a name for itself for making bad decisions in the sport. From stringing along both Alonso and Piastri and then losing them both, to the engine issues. And it’s starting to bleed onto other efforts, Alpine is looking to race in Le Mans with an LMDh powered by a modified Mecachrome F2

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    Except turbos still add a fair bit of complexity, and more importantly, cost. Cammisa said it best–there used to be an entire class of relatively affordable sports coupes, but everybody started bolting on more power and soon they started getting more expensive and died out.

    More power? What are you gonna have them do, put a turbo on it? That means that it’ll need extra plumbing as well, which adds weight and cost. Then there’s reinforcement to allow it to properly take the extra power, which again adds cost. Before you know it, it’ll become the expensive sports car that people complained

    I doubt raising AT’s standing in the constructors table is their goal. Danny is there so that they can better assessment of the car and of Yuki, which he’s in arguably a better place to do so than Nyck. At the same time, he also serves to light a fire under Checo’s ass since it is known that he wants that second Red

    I mean, these same restaurants were likely going to charge people through the roof during that weekend anyway. It’s not like the event wasn’t going lose them money.

    If I remember correctly, the old JGTC GT500 cars had to at least use the center section (firewall forward to some point before the trunk) of the original vehicle. But you’re correct that these days, they’re just skins over a carbon monocoque.

    It’s Japan’s version of old (pre-GT3) DTM, especially since it’s running the same Class 1 specifications that DTM used to.

    In fact, you’d be hard pressed to spot the original Civic hiding under all the new carbon fiber

    This, years of the old one-child policy also created this “little emperor syndrome” with overly spoiled single sons that, even as far back as the 90s, was warned as being a “behavioural time bomb.

    Outside of the championship battle, this season has actually been pretty close. While it started with Aston Martin as the clear P2, that’s changed with McLaren looking to be the team that can actually leapfrog Aston, Mercedes and Ferrari, with a car whose pace is not far off from Red Bull’s (despite starting the

    When the question is “what if I want a Morgan but don’t want to deal with the headaches of owning one,” it seems that “Miata is always the answer.”

    Somewhat related question. Does a vehicle with only one wheel, but has that wheel powered count as having “all-wheel drive” since all it’s wheels are driven?

    The Skyline badge was split of from the GT-R badge years ago. The latter is the only reason people really started caring about the Skyline. Any Skyline outside of the R32-34 or the KPGC10 and KPGC110 (aside from the occasional ER34 sedan or GT-ST turned into a drift car or the R31 Group A car) tends to be forgotten.

    Does it matter when the new Concorde Agreement look to massively boost teams’ valuations? According to a Forbes report, team values skyrocketed by 276% from 2019, with the average value for a team now being around $1.8 billion. More importantly, the same report indicates that each team is set to make an average of

    Wasn’t Aurebesh developed after the fist film had come out. I remember the older cuts of ANH still had English in some of the background elements that were only later turned into Aurebesh in the Special Editions.

    This isn’t Street Fighter 6 where players are making a bunch of weirdos.

    Hey, it may be a shitbox, but at least it is always the answer.