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    Should note that Christian Horner was pretty much against signing de Vries, but Helmut Marko and Max convinced the team to get him anyway. With Marko himself expressing regret (including wishing they could easily get Albon), it’s no surprised de Vries has been pushed out.

    But how much rust does it have?

    Sierra version looked better though.

    It’s small enough that someone might actually put it inside their house like how some people do with classic motorcycles (or that one guy with a Pagani).

    They’re probably rare enough that most real ones will just sit in a corner of their owners “garage” as a “conversation piece” they occasionally bring out for a laugh.

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    The problem is that, in the end, Formula E is still a spec series. The upcoming FIA Electric GT should be better in this regard since more development is allowed and manufacturers can flex their engineering prowess and technology more.

    It’s less about that and more about hurting team’s valuations. Like it or not, the fact that it’s so hard to get into F1 is one of the things driving team values up.

    Whenever Formula E is brought up, it feels like everyone forgets the main reason other series can’t go electric—it has an exclusive license from the FIA to do so, at least until the next decade or so.

    Socialism in China, just like in the US, is mostly for the rich. They just do a better job of making the masses feel otherwise.

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    Maybe it’s time to bring back the Ferdinand Magellan.

    The problem with that idea is that it defeats the idea of having a franchise-like system in the first place if all teams aren’t guaranteed a place on the grid (and guaranteed money for being on the it).

    Clickbait headline. The 2,300hp figure is for the entire PU, including the three electric motors, not just the V8.

    Personally, I can’t wrap my head around cremation, in the sense of KEEPING the remains around. I totally get if my loved ones are cremated and released over the ocean (assuming I check the direction of the wind), but I can’t imagine the responsibility of keeping something like that from getting broken or misplaced for

    Can’t sell a car that someone was killed in when said person is still alive.

    Homage to the Dodge Dart Swinger from the late 60s, which was named for ... uh ... yes, exactly what you think.

    Pretty sure some beer-holding was involved in the decision-making process for this.

    It’s possible. In fact, the apps that tend to have it are map apps like Waze.

    Something something Titanic submersible...

    Well one guy did, let’s just say it did not end well.

    Time to get the Blobeye and give it a “Martin” livery.