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    The BMW is designed that way so anyone approaching from the back is shielded from its ugly schnozz.

    It’s a personal air filtration system designed for situations when a standing air filtering fan is useless, like a daily commute through a car-clogged city.

    This was around the time companies really started looking into building games on more generalized engines, either their own or licensed ones (UE2 started gaining traction at this time). Makes sense when you consider that it was getting more and more expensive to just create engines from scratch at this point.

    NetherRealm isn’t Midway Games though. It was founded by former Midway staff, but it was mostly composed of the MK team and most of the newer hires are mostly focused on fighting games.

    The weird bit is that, outside of the use of the symbol, there really doesn’t seem to be anything antisemitic about Raëlism at all.

    No I wont.

    He’s Dr. Roxo, the rock and roll bear, he does cocaine.

    Everyone in the comments dogpiling on Nintendo, but not one seems to be paying attention to Panda Global and its CEO who’ve apparently been bullying other organizers and thus, are now getting cancelled by the Smash community and the FGC at large?

    But at least it made it into production. Toyota was ready to shelve the project until BMW offered to help, because the latter wanted the former’s hydrogen fuel cell technology.

    Right until that last race where they suddenly had better tire management than Red Bull. Here’s hoping that they figure out whatever it is that worked out for them in this race or else Mercedes is coming next year.

    Ferrari may have had a good start, but this was Red Bull’s year. Once they got over their fuel pump issues, it was quite obvious that they had gotten the regulations absolutely right. Meanwhile, Ferrari were on the first year of a new engine spec under a regulation freeze that bans performance upgrades (but allows

    This is why Monster Hunter works. Yes, you’re still killing monsters over and over to get parts tied to RNG, but it also provides very logical ways to manipulate that RNG (need parts from a monster’s tail, then cut the tail). This is, of course, on top of the fact that every weapon and piece of armor you need is

    You’ve just described Monster Hunter in a nutshell.

    Better steer away from Monster Hunter then. It’s a loot game where everything you loot is material for crafting in a system where you have to craft everything for your build. Want to get x or y skill, need to craft the armor pieces that give you points in those skills (no skill tree here). Want to add more points to

    And the packaging advantages of the engine are inherently lost in the transition to a road car form factor. In an F1 car, the engine’s small size (and the allowed length for the car) allows the engineers to package everything in a way that they can just shrink the sidepods away—to the point where they realize they

    F1 know-how

    The problem is that Tomino tried to fit 50+ episodes of plot into 24, with a ton of filler then rushing plot-related development and movement in an episode or two.

    What makes a modern F1 car fast isn’t the engine though, it’s the aero and all the downforce it produces allowing it to take corners flat where most other cars would require the driver to lift.

    A garage? But where will I store all the various bits of random junk I’ve accumulated over the years. Using a garage just for your car sounds kind of wasteful.
