
Anyone else extremely sad that, so far, we aren’t getting a remastered CTR with online?..... I mean god I want that soooo bad.... Hell, I even netplay CTR with my cousin on ePSXe, but only 2 players allowed because nobody’s updated the plugin in over a decade....

I still play Crash Team Racing at least once a week.

I had them all. Crash 2 and 3 are two games I had at 100%.

I’m a 20 year old and started playing Crash 1 last month and it is extremely fun.

By that logic, classical music sucks because it wasn’t made on a macbook or Citizen kane is a bad movie because it was filmed in black and white and had no CGI snow.
Granted the graphics looks dated and the hardware limits show in these games but crash games are well desgined within the boundries of PSX era.

Dunno man. Playing that Bandicoot mission in Uncharted 4 was pretty fun.

I’ve tried all of the PS1 games plenty of times, and graphics excluded, they are still some of the best jump and run games ever made (well, 2 and 3 at least). Gameplay is still rock solid - simple to learn and hard to master. Getting a platinum for the time trials in Warped is both hard and fun as hell, as you need a

I’m just saying.

Actually I play all the crash games extremely often now.. 2/3 are very fun for platformers, which this generation lacks. And don’t get me started on how amazing Crash Bash is for a party game

It dawned on me just the other day that a fully-realised modern Crash Bandicoot would look horrifying, as his original design was truly terrifying but masked under years of low polygons, cartoon art-style and redesigns.

Holy shit you put Croc’s voice in my head for the first time in a decade.

Yes. Yes I am.

SSX wasn’t until PS2. Are you thinking Coolboarders? I loved that game. You could charge up flips and spins for a mile before the jump and land crazy 14,400 degree tricks. Also Croc was great. “Kapoof, kapow, kasplat!"

While a trio of remasters and a Skylanders cameo isn’t quite the Crash Bandicoot revival fans were hoping for

Crash 2was my first game for the PS1, and also one of my favorites. Well, first full game. My house initially got a PS1 because my dad thoguth the Independence Day game looked cool, and my sister got to play the demo that came with it which included Tekken 2 (you could play as Paul or Kazuya) and like 1 level from SSX

That feeling when I realize Crash Bandicoot is now more alive than Metroid is.

The phrase 'Legendary Marsupial' needs to be used a lot more.