
Good god.people. He wasn’t demanding Joe make content. He wasn’t being an entitled bitch either. He’s saying that since Joe has cut his reviews down to a trickle he’s found other reviewers. Other viewers probably have as well.

If this pattern continues, people will move on and he will lose his audience. (get your shit

Having an open conversation is stalling for time now?

I do get you on some of the ‘out there’ stuff he does. I....think some of it though is just difference in culture. Japanese comedy is very different than say, European, or American. Same with horror. I’m sure that attributes to a lot of it. I dunno....as for how Quiet looks.... maybe I’m just so used to Kojima’s

You hardly ever actually say her.... And the BB Corps from Guns of the Patriots was around the same amount of perv factor, cept they were skin tight suits instead of...pantyhose. Plus there was four of them. And they danced for you while you took pictures.

Out of everything that’s the thing people pick out....because

Hey! I just collected my 100th and am ALMOST to level 23.... Coincidence? This feature....kinda helps. I live in Nebraska though, and pokestops aren’t too terribly dense all around, but it’s something.