
It’s funny as hell how “mediocre” has become such an overused, generic insult on the internet, when it just means “average”. Do you think you’re somehow not mediocre, random commenter still posting regularly on the decaying husk of what was once The AV Club? You’re probably not going to like the answer!

Show us on the doll where the nasty straight white man touched you.

Why does it need to die, it is still good. You don’t like it stop watching it.

Have you not watched any of the recent seasons? They’ve become increasingly conservative despite not giving up the frat boy humor.

Trump knows more about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the political and religious dynamics at play than some Israeli military official with the authority to entreaty the Secretary of State on behalf of their government. It is really so easy to fix all of this, they just need to let Trump show them the way to