
Yes, I’m sure it is similar to many other things, such as alcohol consumption. For a large majority, there is no issue or problem with consuming it on a regular basis. For others, it can be devastating and interrupt all aspects of their lives. I think we should be able to have a nuanced conversation about such issues

Bit sexist question, innit? Not only does this premise assume women don’t watch it, you also assume women who have no problem with it are lying.

How about the inverse? I’m a man who’s partner enjoys pornography. It’s had absolutely zero impact on our relationship.

There’s so much inaccurate information floating around out there that I’d actually support mandatory gun safety classes for all firearms owners. Really, there’s nothing to fear from a society that owns a lot of guns if their owners know how to use them. Now, a society with a lot of guns and people who couldn’t pass a

its hard to give a shit when your employer is shutting down in a week.

They’re things that require skill, but only because you’re doing something unnecessary and useless, creating unnecessary challenges because you’re stuck on trying to do that thing ‘better’ than others and have created an artificial ‘goal’ so you can compete.

Get your mom high. It can only be an enlightening experience for both of you, and it’s cruel of you to impede her wishes.

cmon, be a good kid and get your mom high

That’s my car.

The thing that’s so brilliant and evil about Trump complaining about voter fraud and rigging out front is that in a literal way it give him cover to save face if he loses, but it also has the second dog-whistle meaning that most Republicans understand: voter fraud doesn’t actually mean fraudulent voting, it means


“Cunt” is the shaved truffles of swear words.

I’m smuggling a baby giraffe every time I wear form-fitting pants.

Well played.

Can never spell it without a good running start.

It is the only way I can get an erection. Going to the dentist is awkward now.

full credit for showing your work

I’m a friendly mundane family doc but when faced with pseudoscience wellness schemes I make sure to use the word “horseshit” with my patients. It is the only term which actually got anyone to tell me they stopped wasting their money on shit.

I got caught up and stupidly fell for a popular “fad” diet, and me taking it overboard to a scary level, plus my already shitty health, ended up costing me my gallbladder plus $10,000 in medical bills for emergency surgery that i’m going to be paying off forever.