
Hard no, more like confusing and tedious.

This is why every-time I hear news of some graphical breakthrough for smartphones gets announced my mind just goes "what's the point when everyone just plays Candy Crush, Angry birds or whatever current fad games?"

"I wanted to throttle Rikku in every scene."

Yeah. To be more specific I don't need to look as his Meg Ryan face and embarrassing dialogues...

I'm one of the few who actually likes X-2 over X. Better battle system and no Tidus. :)

Disappointed in Nomura's response. I was expecting "Bigger belts, zippers and spikier hair in HD!"

It all depends on the money hat...

I hope they end up like Zynga...

There is a martial art called Iaido or Battojutsu that his style is probably based on..

It's actually pretty common.

Nice costume...

Looks like a Flintstone town...

Good thing Kayo is Japanese model eh?

Dibs on Last Guardian coming out first. :)

There was an interview before of Ed Del Castillo, that Liquid Entertainment's Battle Realms cost around 500k to develop. Not sure if it's the original game or the expansion or a similar game needs that kind of budget. I'll link it here if I ever find it again.

She is adorable...

Looks like he just discovered the internet...

Gyaru/Ganguro porn is fantastic though.

I've seen/read most of those(except Transmetropolitan) and I love them.

It's great that most superheroes are associated with good/morality and kids recognize them for that. Being the good guys.