
That's Power Rangers level of diversity right there...

Scorpion: "This will cheer you up!" *unzips pants*

He has finally beaten Goku at something.

There's no denying that. Japan is 3DS land....

That pretty much sums up why Shu is generally liked by gamers.

Nintendo showing how a video game commercials is done, by showing actual gameplay!

Konami wants to Hudson them...

Imagine getting chased by one of those monstrosities just to show you some fucking ads...

She sure showed that smog who's boss.

Smog-Fu! It's much more effective than Drunken Boxing since you don't need to carry a bottle of wine all the time and pollution is everywhere!

Give game console to kids today "I wanted an iPhone on Christmas! You're obligated to give me a gaming console as soon it's out! Worst Christmas ever! (Rants on Twitter)"

Being self employed is golden dude.....

Steal from the rich and give to the cats...

Battlefield? More like Betafield. :D

Nuff said...

He's like Hollywood's go to guy if they need a Japanese dude. He has monopoly on the role....

I was thinking 2012 was another Apple year. But you're right putting the WiiU up there for some variety. Great job btw.

The WiiU was popular?

First time I heard about Japan's strict gun laws were in the manga "I am a hero." Interesting take on the zombie apocalypse genre since guns are scarce in the manga's setting.