
What's wrong crazylady-kun?

Regular Suplex = Your head is being cushioned by your victim's arm pit.

She should have suplexed him...

Is Raphael still a drama queen?

Yeah. Looks better than the TMNT remake...

They look suspiciously happy.

I guess that would explain why the arcade scene is still lively here, it's still cheap same as 15 years ago. Except for some places that uses cards.

I hated gun games like that since I'm a bit tall. I need to slouch just so I can level with the screen... that and I suck....

It won't bother him much. He can still use his pinkie or ring finger to press buttons. Prior to Street Fighter II I don't think the games then used more than 2 to 3 buttons, so that dude's arms would pretty much stay stationary.

They always have those high chair/bar stool around in my country. The arcades here are still pretty lively, Tekken still draws a crowd. But I miss those 4 player beat-em-up cabinets.

Spider-Man wearing crocs.... Yup my childhood is ruined...

This is Pepsi's response to that PS All Star Coke thing....

The Predator always die in the end. It's an established rule... so yeah Wolverine will win...

The only appropriate reaction image to this....

Are you bad enough dude to make a president?

I will admit watching the 700 club on lazy afternoons when I was a kid. Other kids(my friends mostly) sleeps at those times and because it was the only channel with clear reception during that time of day. I feel sad remembering it. -_-;

Mario died for your sins.... Seriously if you died from that first Goomba you should pick another hobby/religion....

Me + this game = Murder Simulator