
Fuck! I was just prepin to sleep...

Dad: My TRUCK!!!

Mudman! Holy crap someone remembers.

monster hunter claw technique...

When do people start flipping tables?

Still a better story than Twilight...

Let's pretend this doesn't exist...

Depletes batteries in 5 minutes...

Jackie Chan's 1995 movie Thunderbolt would be a nice GT flick. I believe Mitsubishi and Nissan sponsored it too.

He doesn't like it. Just deal with it...

Good for him and he is lucky having a supportive gf.

Camera needs to shake harder and needs lens flare to be a Michael Bay flick.

Get out of the car and do what exactly? Get caught in the blast and die?

Gameplay. :>

Well at least now they have a good excuse for the inconsistent framerate...

We can always Google a summary from a Wiki. But if you would read/research decades of messed up stories then good luck making your deadline.

Comic book stories are conveniently stupid. It's also stupider(yes that's a word) to take it seriously...

Captured by Apocalypse, brainwashed to be a temporary horseman and conveniently un-fucked him....

Damn at the noseless one. At least Marvel didn't use the "it happened in an alternate reality" or "it was a clone all along" excuse they typically use when they fuck up.

Scratch that. I can buy a mini ATV for less than that...