
if you get wins fairly often, you are probably competent to do all of the weekly challenges in a few games. so, about an hour a week for challenges and just regular playing for fun when you get the chance. That would get you there by the end of the season easy.

He missed the mark. 11347 is the max before it falls through and crashes. He didn’t get it.

I have been in 3v3’s where we only need 1 win to end it. Having an easy win, I emote a sit. I always make sure I am in a position to easily win. Then I let the racist/sexist teammate of mine know it is because of him and his racist/sexist comments that he gets this loss and waste of his time.

I have done this more

On the kkk website they say they are Christians..... so, it isn’t false.

I have never put money into loot boxes. Usually got 1 or 2 boxes a night. Got all the skins except 2. Which I purchased. I guess I was the RNG that balanced out someone’s bad luck.

He was saying by the phrasing you could have meant “if you can’t wear it then have sexual intercourse with the mask”.

Your comment on the aesthetics of the mask didn’t help conclude which of the 2 phrasings you meant.


To be fair to Dexomega, their are some real crazies on the internet and it is hard to always pick out who is being sarcastic vs who actually believes the bs they write.

I played against Seagull and his team (with Gods). They were so good. We got destroyed so bad. I really enjoyed it though.

Link would have to speak if he had any other role. So, it wouldn’t work. It is purposeful that he doesn’t speak. However, he could still be a she, and zelda be a guy (I don’t see a problem as they are reborn in every game anyways). Or have them be lesbians (Why would that be bad). As long as link or linkle is the