
The wife's reaction is totally rational, she is the conscience of the episode, telling him not to have sex with the pig, because he will be forever scarred by it and their marriage will be destroyed by the humiliation and disgrace. Nobody would ever look either of them in the face again, except as a freakshow.

He did genuinely do something wrong, he caved in to political pressure, and humiliates both himself and her. Of course she turned against him, because she was disgusted by him and his weakness, his pathetic lack of dignity.
The only way he could have screwed the pig and retained his integrity was if it was his idea to

The wife's reaction is completely rational, she is the conscience of the episode, telling him not to screw the pig, because he will be forever scarred by it and their marriage will be destroyed by the humiliation and disgrace. She knows him well enough at the beginning of the episode to sense that he is a weak man and

"You learn to gauge whether meats are cooked by feeling with your knuckles"???? Huh? You touch the hot meat while it's cooking? Why not just cut it? And why use your knuckles?

Reviewers just don't seem to get Goon. It isn't a "merger of a standard sports movie and a violent, fart-filled frat comedy". Goon is a merger of a violent sports movie and a romantic comedy. Like Rocky crossed with Bull Durham or Fever Pitch. It's buoyed by SWS's undervalued charm, and also how it captured the

I always check my privilege (to make sure it's there)

"Near" perfect?

I don't know Chick, but I sure feel sorry for him, the way atheists are dancing on his grave.

That's an interesting comic, I hadn't known that Muhammed owned slaves. However googling it confirms Chick's assertion.

Doesn't Cracked have the name "After Hours" locked up?

Here are the songs left off the list, and which could replace several song son this list easily: "Mesmerizing", "Help Me Mary", and "Soap Star Joe" from Exile, "Jealousy" from Whip Smart, and "Hot White Cum" from Liz Phair.

His movies (or at least Suspiria) combine the sex & violence of genre film with genuinely beautiful cinematography.

Robot sex would be harmless. It is basically cybersex in 3D physical reality. You wouldn't feel bad about having sex in cyberspace with programmed software, sex with pixels. A machine would be the same thing almost.

Being aware of something is different from knowing how it works and thereby how to stop or control it. If you're a millionaire and you haven't used tax loopholes, then it follows that you don't understand the tax rules. Because nobody willingly pays more than they are required to by the government. Which is what

Yeah, she has strong controversial opinions. In other words she's not boring and PC.

When you only want to watch entertainment made by and about people just like yourself, that's textbook narcissism.

Of course I read the whole thing, and the stuff that you think make her unhinged I find interesting. What do you want, tv characters that are boring?

If he hadn't gamed the system then that would only mean that he wasn't intelligent enough to know how to do that. To be able to eliminate tax loopholes, and simplify the tax code, you need to be aware of loopholes and breaks and how to use them.

That's an interesting viewpoint. Clearly her notions of what constitutes feminine is based on full figured women, probably her mom must be the curvy type and so that is her bias. It doesn't make her a bad person. I want tv to have interesting viewpoints and characters with diverse attitudes. I don't care if they are

Sounds like a great metaphor for most stepmoms and the kids. An edgy comedy about how the two don't get along.