
You really are getting off on what a champion you think you are for women. Guess again. You're not helping anyone by being so gullible that you swallow up every single claim of sexual abuse, even those that are clearly prompted by an enraged adult using an innocent child as a weapon against an ex-lover. How are actual

Lol, Mia didn't pull the plug because she was worried about her daughter. You're just reciting the party line from Mia's PR. Mia was enraged at the betrayal by Soon Yi and Woody, if she could have set them both on fire by using Dylan as kindling (metaphorically speaking) then that's what she would have done. It's

Dylan wavered when she was examined by child psychologists. That's why the judge dismissed the case.
You shouldn't believe her (really it's Mia whom you are believing) so absolutely, that's your own bias because Allen's character offends you.

One bit of evidence is that Woody Allen had never molested a child before this alleged incident, and there's no account of him ever doing it since. (Sure he has had consensual relationships with young women in his life, but never anything like molesting an actual child. That takes a specific pathology to do that.) So

He has made at least ten (I would say a dozen) films that are objectively outright classics, each among the best comedies ever. Plus a dozen more that are good. Covering an era of over 40 years (What's Up Tiger Lily to Midnight in Paris). 1966-2011.
Name another director who has even come close to that. Kubrick?

He didn't really have a relationship with her prior to their romantic involvement, she was just one of his girlfriend's many adoptees.

It won't take long, because that's what most sensible people would think.

I don't believe her. The alleged incident happened so long ago at an age when her mind was so malleable and it happened after Mia had been calling Woody a child molester (because he was dating her adult adopted daughter). This was an incredibly angry breakup, and that is precisely when these allegations of abuse are

She was never sexually abused. She was mentally abused by her mother Mia Farrow.

Reuben Blades' character mass murdered hundreds of people by freeing the zombies in the arena, for basically no reason.

She seems like she would regards having friends as a bit silly, and an act of weakness that leaves you vulnerable. Her social relationships provide her with something, like the guy in the Black Panthers she had an affair with, he provided her with intel assents and physical affection. But would she ever devote time to

Landmark is Scientology Lite.

Paging Sofia Coppola

There's a definite attraction between Furiosa and Max that wouldn't have worked with Gibson. Gibson isn't handsome like Hardy today.

Polanski hurt a vulnerable person. Gibson yelled some mean words at a cop and his ex-wife.

Furiosa is not the movie's hero.
She isn't the protagonist. Max is, the movie's action is from his perspective. His perspective is the audience's.
She doesn't ultimately lead the group. Max does, when Furiosa's quest ends in failure, as she discovers that what is left of her tribe is a group of older women barely

Humvees have terrible fuel mileage, about 6 mpg in a stripped down HMMWV, and they run on diesel instead of gasoline. They are AMAZING at going cross-country in the 4WD setting (if there aren't trees in your way), but have a very small passenger space. The model in the show had an open back, so it could only carry 4

No, they can assume or determine themselves to be relatively morally superior. For example a person supporting drone strikes on terrorists can assert that they are morally superior relative to someone supporting terrorists. Because drone strikes, even if they sometimes hit civilians, are morally superior relative to

"South Park isn’t against PC culture as a whole. It’s against fake PC culture"
I think South Park is against PC culture, because it's saying that PC culture is all fake. Or at least predominantly fake.

Arabs, like Latinos, are white if they look white. People from both groups are categorized as Caucasian, or potentially caucasian if they identify as such.