Do you wear pants like these?
Do you wear pants like these?
I have and I do. Im on shoryuken on a daily but you literally generalized it. Hence why I commented.
A video game blog that doesn’t cover fighting games? LOL yeah... I can search through a bunch of fighting game pieces that Kotaku wrote, but that’s just adding more fuel to your “rage”.
Thats the point of EVERY equipment. It CAN give anyone an advantage. Practice makes perfect and this is new to almost everyone in this scene. Although tourney players know how the game plays with the GC controller, this is something new to them too. Hence the quotes in the article. It’s up to who’s manning this and THE…
Huh? That’s a flawed analogy. You’re giving examples of sports equipment and attire that grants handicaps and advantages? This controller does NOT do that. Everyone has a clean slate toward that controller. Like I said its the SKILL of the player that’s more controversial.
Great piece!
I still don’t understand what’s the use of discussing whether it’s acceptable for a “controller” to join a tournament. It’s the SKILL of the PLAYER that’s more controversial than the damn controller itself. Are people nowadays afraid of new challenges and competition?
LTG is a fuckin baby whenever he doesn’t get his own way. Fool is a straight up joke. So is Champ. He may be great, but his cockiness is a bitch. I would love to see him in a physical fight when he fucks with the wrong person.
Yeah that’s true. Or a giant ass meatball. Either way I’m hungry now. +1 though!
I’m surprised I haven’t seen any comments about In N Out’s Flying Dutchman and/or Protein Style burger. Shit’s been out for like... ever. Man yall are late.
I really don’t see how that’s, or anything sexual preference, a real problem. People cry to the government because sexual feelings were hurt. Boohoo
Unload and hit her like a piece of shit? The way I see it was self defense. If she wanted to fight, she should’ve thought twice about doing it. Women want to be treated equally? Then here’s one way. Fair is FAIR. She hit him twice anyways and it looked like he was trying to leave. Let’s see your argument.
She deserved it. Self defense is what I see. She wanted to get into some trouble and found it.
So am I going to be drafted later or no?
Lol it really doesn’t require 40 hours of study? I wonder how many hours the top players put in to surpass intermediate level combos. Please PLEASE make a video of you clocking in time to practice, let’s say Mega Man, join a local tournament and prove me wrong.
Yeah exactly my point
Lol. So what EXACTLY is a fighting game to you? Can’t say shit without backing shit up.
Isn’t Red and Ash two very different characters? The arch may be similar but it’s development of merit and conflicts are somewhat different. This, however, should be the franchise’s very first reboot.