
Everyone loves Comedy, Romance, Thriller, Action, Noir etc. Put that on Hallmark.


I mean Kotaku really never was a “Gaming” site with trusted reviews. It was always “people by the people” type of gaming site. Unless I’m wrong. I never thought one bit this site was ever a loyal professional type of gaming site. Sort of like someone you know about gaming telling you about gaming. That’s how I always

RIP King. You were the first I followed through Kotaku. You were funny, blunt, and always looked forward toward the future. You replied to many and spoke to the unspoken. Keep on living through the afterworld; you inspire all of us. Time to rest up and thank you for touching our lives. 

Oh no! Streamers are commentating on the latest stupid news. Thing is, why is this even published? IRL streamers do this too. So do Youtube Drama news. “Low effort content”? Seriously? Streamers WILL BE STREAMERS no matter how low or bad the content will be.

Does Nintendo strike down on fan made only to the owner to play games? I’ve only read Nintendo give cad’s to those who publicly released fan made games. If he released it to the public then yeah, but from what I read, it seems he just did this for himself during his free time. Oh well. Let’s just sit and watch I guess.

People complaining about the littlest shit about this game, I’m sorry, are total divas. It’s an homage to the previous titles we all know and love.

I mixed Coke with Whiskey neat, it just put me on reset. cancels each other out. Anything with coke, just resets you back normal. At least to me it does.

literally 4Loko’s old recipe; caffeine X alcohol.

Fuck everything about this fool. Hes been always douchebag ever since he came into the scene. Glad this mother fucker got this. Crackin myself up reading the headline and seeing his pic before reading the story. Lol 

One things for certain, you take Jalopnik as a “professional” source of “professional” automative news. That right there is your problem. RARELY anyone in any Kinja site, is a “professional journalist”. You really must be new here.

A president that:

Fuck everyone in the discussion who thinks art should be stylized and objectified in a certain way. Fuck you.

This shit is amazing. Kudos to you Alex Alvarado.


Goku is the Fire Emblem of Smash Bros. God damn.

Can we see a “Lonely EATS” by you again please? lol 

I just won this on Toreba. LOL fuck.

Nintendo titles are on sale.