
Who’s the biggest prankster among the crew? AND who’s the biggest ASSHOLE lol

LOL I mean... isn’t every dagger designed for killing? Isn’t EVERYTHING a weapon? Please reply lol I would love to read your reply.

Good because the remastered version looks like a fucking joke.

That’s what I’m sayin. I don’t recall this shit.

Honestly Patrick, the FGC has been known for pulling this shit off for quite sometime. Here’s one thing that people might remember. SUPER YAN. Yes, even you guys wrote about it. The thing is, people in the FGC DO NOT want shit like this to be known and it’s mostly hush hush unless someone voices it out, third party or


Second time saying it; Elena is fuckin fuckin. Never had a game waifu, but damn she took the whole damn cake.

I just watched a whole season of Narcos and out of all the wishful casting Uncharted brought upon, I believe the best fit for Elena would be Joanna Christie, IF they do a live action one. Her spunky personality just screams Elena Fisher/Drake/Morgan.

Trust me it has LOL. And guess what? Vegeta already fused with his son up top in the trailer lol. May the jokes start NOW!

How though? I mean I guess. I would never have guessed it like that. Maybe because I saw this as a kid and saw it how powerful these fuckers would be, not some demented sickening kind of thing lol.

Lol why does everyone go straight to incest? It’s a fusion for power. I really don’t see it any other sickening way lol.

I’ve always fell in love with this fanart when I was a kid. Hopefully it’ll look like this. Shit’s so cash.

LOL FUCK WEEBS. This commercial is badass.

Off topic, but am I the only jackass that’s in love with Elena? Gawd she’s hot as fuck.

Hey I work at Peets!!

/gif/ is where you go to jerk LOL /wsg/ is where you find shit.

Hey hey hey shut up! Nintendo will hear you.

Why would they in the first place? I’m beginning to bet that I’m part of the several few that CAN admit Nintendo is doing a shitty ass job with their consoles and games and you know what? It’s ALL SUBJECTIVE; it’s ALL MY OPINION, that no one here, can seem to understand. I said “...without ME getting bored.” How thick

DING DING DING DING DING!!!! You sir, win for the most smartest commenter here.

Exactly because that’s exactly what I’m looking for; “...listen to the demands of a single individual...” Sure. LOL