

Now playing

Luke, try this one out. Can’t stop playing it ever since it was released.

Nah man... You’re not getting it. But it’s cool. I’ll reward you for trying.

Really? How so? Look in my previous posts. I never take shit seriously here. LOL so idk WTF you’re talking about.

That’s the problem with Kotaku readers; they’re too stupid to realize that this is a blog site.

Tebow has far better skills IMHO.


Dat screamo tho

Donuts eh... lol

I can’t wait until it’s our turn to rage against them. Feminism is a funny thing.

LOL you must be new.

Typical people. It really is a custom New Hope. Idk why people are too much of pussy to admit it. Trust me. I’m also a film major. It’s almost the same fucking thing... but it’s not.

Fuck the Oreos. You clean up well Fahey. I’m still growing mine with the man bun.


Fahey. Should WE play this game?

Star Wars is a western buddy. Get on top of that.

As a senior film major, your statement hurts half of me.

I don’t give a shit what anyone says, that lady is a fuckin thug.

Sorry bro, but damn this was too good to ignore HAHAHA. Shit cheers.
“It’s a prank bro.”

I don’t shit post.