
And the show she was watching to take place in this universe's Canada, which apparently has a green flag. (Are we just now finding out that the show takes place on some parallel Earth? There's this and then that odd world map a couple eps back.)

I've seen snow on Thanksgiving (okay, maybe not this much), and I'm from Canada where Thanksgiving is in October (its rightful place).

That should've been the first clue that she was faking it.

It's hard to transcribe but the "you're just a dick" part was almost sing-songy. It was hilarious. I had to rewind and watch it again.

Mine too. But it turned out to be an important plot point, so I'll let it slide.

Jenny was the star of this episode. That look on her face when Ichabod was on the phone trying to get Paul Revere's dentist bag was amazing. She was like an audience surrogate for when he goes on one of his rants.

Here's a thought: How about we imagine that this was the first Halloween episode. BOOM - continuity preserved.

♫ Girl, it's freaky
You trick and treat me
My teeth are extra sharp
My body's extra hairy
I'm running in the dark
I love you so much
It's scary. ♫

So much funny this episode.

To me, that's what the Muppets are all about - those corny eye-roll-inducing jokes that you just can't help but laugh at because they're being said by cute puppets.

Gene had a lot of great lines tonight.

Sounds like Eagleton jail. #ParksandRec

I preferred "The Outlet Outlet: Electrical Supply Store" but the exterminators were alright too.

It feels so weird having Bob's Burgers and Family Guy air on City TV (in Canada) now. At least they show the end credits! *Glares at Global*

I don't think so, but some of those catch phrases were definitely improvised.

Maybe the aliens are really good at fighting??

Oh good. I'm not going crazy. I realized last night that somewhere over the past few episodes, I've went from hate-watching to actually enjoying watching this show. It happened so gradually that I almost didn't notice. Don't get me wrong, it's still not super great. But it's had a coherent story that actually seems

No. I'm a human male.

Hi. I'm a person who liked the third season of Veronica Mars, and also Piz. Ask me anything.

*shoots TV* "Nothing good on TV these days."