
I'm someone who thought the Garry/Jerry/Larry/Terry thing was funny, but I'm glad they did this. That was really sweet.

Thank you for this. My new favourite word: "hashta" meaning “with respect to” or “regarding” or “concerning”. Clearly that is the evolution of #hashtag.

I wish I hadn't heard about that news, because now it's practically guaranteed that she won't survive the season. So I keep expecting her death, which will make it have less of an impact when it does happen. :/

You know, that went completely over my head until I saw it written out. It's clever.

I've been noticing it too. (Another one, I think: food = 'dinner'). It's so neat how it's mostly English words that mean similar things, almost like they take normal sentences and use a thesaurus to muck it up and make it sound strange.

I just realized that their plan at the end was also supposed to save JJ's, but did they actually address that?

I have to admit that it took me a while to realize that those were Leslie and Ben's kids in that scrapbook. I thought maybe Leslie was taking pictures of other people's kids.

"On my show, we deal with real issues like bullying, peer pressure, or holding in farts. In those very special episodes, I become… Jonathon Karate - the very serious older brother of Johnny Karate."

I would give anything to see a Parks and Rec spinoff movie about Burt Macklin going up against Voldemort Putin. ANY. THING.

I have a plan to save it. First, we'll need a blimp….

HA! I could totally see that! Can you write the rest of the episode now?

They could do it. Jay Harrington's show (Benched) was just canceled. Phil and Lem's new show wasn't picked up. Andrea Anders can't keep a job (of no fault of her own). Portia de Rossi has that guest role on Scandal, but I'm sure they'll be done with her by the end of the season.

How about just bringing back Better Off Ted?

And I imagine they could find a snow covered mountain near where they film to shoot that story arc. I hear BC has a couple mountains.

"Not Monty!" - Me, multiple times this episode.

Slow news day, I guess.

One of my favourite parts was when Ron pulled the fire alarm and Leslie recounted how April pulled it so many times that the firemen disconnected it. That's so April.

Oh man. That Gryzzl guy was insufferable (in a funny way).

My cousin lives in Vincennes where they shot the William Henry Harrison museum scenes. I told her not to tell me if those exhibits were jokes or not because I desperately want to believe they are real.

"People are idiots, Ron."