
And not just cry. It's the only show that can make me cry and laugh at the same time.

Maybe the Academy only watched the last act and didn't think it was animated. That's the only possible explanation.

"You did and said exactly what I thought you were going to do and say. And that's oddly comforting."

So I'm guessing the Cubs are the Leafs of the baseball world? (Sorry, Canadian here who doesn't follow sports other than hockey.)

I read somewhere that the time jump was Amy Poehler's idea because she didn't want to work with kids. So I wouldn't count on seeing them much at all.

The hologram is a step too far, but it's not unrealistic to think that the iPad will sport a 3D screen/interface in a couple years.

Come on. You know they couldn't actually show Chris Pratt naked. Andy with 6 pack abs would be even more unbelievable than the futuristic 3D tablets.

Gene and Kristen Bell would get along juuuust fine.

"We're going on a splash of cold hard truth in Tina's face field trip!"
"I didn't get a slip for that."

With Finn gone now, can we get more Wick? I'm not a shipper, but I like seeing him and Raven working together.

Wow. What an episode. So many things were going through my mind. (At one point I thought maybe they'd have Raven sacrifice herself for Finn somehow, which would NOT have been cool).

Also, isn't experiencing zero G enough of a motivation. I mean, it sounds like a fun experience every kid on the Arc would dream about.

Yes. Come to think of it, she was. According to IMDB, she's been all over the place: The Office, Modern Family, Louie. She really needs to find a more regular gig because she's pretty funny.

First, Better Off Ted and now Happy Endings. This review just keeps reminding me of my favourite shows that were canceled prematurely. :(

But what's with the quotes, though? Is he complaining about himself not seeing The Wire? Or other people (Jake, perhaps?) saying that they haven't seen it?

Rena was played by Sarah Baker, who you might remember from Go On.

I think Bob and Hank would get along just fine, so long as Bob used propane to cook those burgers.

The end credits were kind of amazing.

Tina: "I mean, I wouldn't say I was a stick in the mud…"
Tina: "Hey, look, a stick in the mud."