
Well this seems to follow the rumour rule of thumb: If a rumour is denied multiply it by two.

HOLY CRAP. That's all I can say.

I guess nobody has read through the Ender series by Orson Scott Card...

Is there going to be a strike system along with the suspensions? ie. 3 suspensions = permaban

All of my friends love to stream but I insist on downloading any video I watch. I hate streamed quality and the buffering annoys me too. Plus I enjoy rewatching things so its worth the extra bandwidth to download.

@hawkeye18: Sorry that's what I meant also the "This is no a photoshop trick" also so a grammar error in one of Chan's articles yesterday. I'm not saying anything against them just something I've noticed the past couple days that I've never noticed before.

It looks like it belongs in Fallout 3. Also maybe it is just me but I've been noticing a few spelling errors in recent giz posts.

*rushes off to change giz password*

Power Pete on my Mac. If anybody has heard of it. I still remember the little cavemen going Unga Bunga!

@Luis: Agreed. Employees will probably get to overload on kickbucks.

Good luck finding an IMAX porn theatre. I doubt AMC or Cineplex is going to jump for this in their theatres. It makes no sense since the IMAX will only be good in theatres and once it goes to DVD only people with 3Dtvs will care = cutting your market severly.

@Sleet: Hmm that's a good point. My Chimchar has always been called Charlie.

Random occurence: I was playing my old Pokemon Emerald today for the first time in around 2 years and I found out that I had nicknamed my Mudkip Carl.

@ryujiikata: I could action replay it but it doesn't have satisfaction of an actual one. I was happy with July's Jirachi though.

@TRT-X: Agreed. North American always gets gypped when it comes to getting Arceus. Come on Nintendo the Japanese aren't the only ones who play Pokemon and enjoy wifi events!

I played through Portal twice. The second time I did it all with Dev Commentary and I learned a lot. Learning how to play a game even with a tutorial is not easy and we never realize how much work goes into making that game seem intuitive. The learning curve for games is very interesting and I learned that they do

I think their should be finger print and iris scanners maybe a voice print ID as well to verify. I'm imagining this US Base as something out of a mission impossible movie.

@Iowa11: Oh man and today's kindle price drop just drove the knife deeper. Ughhhh

@Iowa11: I know I feel rather hurt as well. No turning back though I guess. Maybe I'll get rich and buy the Nook as well.