The new Gizmodo layout. Shitty Shitty suck suck.
@Eugene Malkin: I really don't think it's a KIRF, because the phone runs Android, and there are so many Android ROM loaders on the Android Market to download. For example, I could do just what they are doing in the video on my android phone.
@Brian Wright: If you buy an app and return it, the next time you buy that app you can't return it. So, I don't really see a problem with 'serial returners' with the old system OR the new system.
@Stonos: YES! Although I think this is the version I actually remember using (from the wiki page):
Can someone please tell me the name of that old text-based program where you typed stuff and it typed back, then it read it back to you in a robot voice? I know it was based on a psychologist or something, it used to say tell me more about that or something. I've been trying to figure it out for days now.
@TVs_Frank: Took the midnight space ship
I disagree with the C4 on the RC car myth. Of course the C4 is going to detonate the car if it's an enemy car, but what if the RC car is friendly? Can you put C4 on that?
@dracosummoner: Nope.
@Marcem: TTT. This. I am always in a game of TTT, best gamemode ever.
@tagny.daggart: Wow, I am pretty shocked by the number of responses on here but I guess someone had to explain what was really going on. The Bloomberg article was terrible, it was a hatchet job (and I can't believe I'm actually waiting to hear back about a job there, ha). The crazy thing is how it gets picked up and…
I stopped commenting on this site awhile ago because it's just not productive for me, but I had to get on here and do it again because I feel this article, and the Bloomberg article from which it is sourced, is not clear.
@MrEvil: I'd delete this comment if you don't want to get unstarred.
@Lights: Dorkly.com, which the video is from, is owned by College Humor.
@Quemeng: Wait, they have Left 4 Dead for the Zune? *jaw drops*
@LucasTizma: Maybe EBGames? Their logo is a little too similar to GameStop.
The coolest part about this was the Flash 10.1 support. Hopefully, this means we can have Hulu working!
@Bs Baldwin: Not chrome, the google autocomplete.
@Bs Baldwin: It's not illegal, but it's wrong. Monitoring my keystrokes on any site I visit (maybe even NOW?!) is just horribly unethical.
@Bs Baldwin: But it's the same principle. Google is monitoring your keystrokes with this instant feature, and is storing the data.