
two words: still regulated...

There are already strict laws put in place on purchasing firearms. Stop pretending that they are unregulated. Just because something is heavily regulated doesn't mean it doesn't somehow get abused.

What floors me about these discussions is that gun control activists act as though the genie isn't out of the bottle. Guns exist. Millions of them. People simply will not turn them in, and it is simple enough to make your own with a little knowledge and a few tools. Stop pretending like a simple law will make them

This is always the argument: "What do people need AR-15s; AK-47; sniper rifles; etc. for?" People have been arguing against using "military type" firearms forever, stating that the general public doesn't need them. Guess what? Last generations "military type weapons" become today's "sporting" firearms. Look at the

I think Dennis would be a pretty great McAfee. He could definitely pull the "crazy" off...

That would be epic...

I read them, but I only really worry about them for stuff at work...

I really dig Swype. It makes typing on a touch screen tolerable.

Coming soon to a theater near you....Taken 3...

No Surefire or Streamlight???

I would have to say Noteshelf. I use it for all of my meeting notes at work. It has saved my desk from looking like a rat nest...

Bias... DERP! http://gizmodo.com/5687692/you-write-bias-journalism-and-i-read-derp

Bias..."Derp": http://gizmodo.com/5687692/you-write-bias-journalism-and-i-read-derp

I'm strongly considering WP8 for my next phone. Great looking software, and it seems that WP8 Phones are the only phones allowed to look nice (Not a black slab). Can't we get some decent looking android phones?

I loved that movie...

I say kill it...kill it with fire!!!

you should draw a comic depicting said Myan Sloth. (Yes, I know you meant laziness, not the animal, but what fun would that be?)

34,000 people die each year in the US in motor vehicle accidents. 31,000 (59% suicide; 34% homicide) people were killed by firearms.

You seem to be preoccupied with the amount of ammunition and types of firearms Holmes had purchased online. This tragedy could have been perpetrated with one weapon and about $100 worth of ammunition (Probably less).

People like to throw around how dangerous "panicked, untrained, armed civilians" are, but rarely think that most armed civilians take self defense training quite seriously. Firearms in the hands of law-abiding people are not a bad thing.