
You've won me over with your eloquent argument...

This is a silly argument against "homosexuality". Your talking about sexual activity with a minor (who does not have the ability to consent to sex with anyone), and sexual activity between two consenting adults.

Who said a "majority" of prisoners are psychopaths. I'm talking the ones that end up in a supermax facility. You don't end up in a supermax unless you are extremely violent.

Really? Are you going to be the one to take care of these people? They are segregated from others because they try to kill or injure anyone they are locked up with. These institutions are intended to protect other inmates, as well as the guards, from extremely violent offenders. Some people just can't be around

How about on a bus? How about walking on the street. Just exactly what are you afraid of here? The cockpit has been locked so an attacker can't get in, so there is no longer a need to ban them.

I agree. I have a Zune HD, a Zune 8GB, and a Zune 4GB. I still love them, even though the player's software is a bit janky. I especially love using them with my Kicker ZK500 dock. Sounds great!

Here was my first. An Audiovox bag phone...

You do also realize that everyone thought terrorists just took planes for political purposes back then and the government encouraged passengers to "go along with the terrorists". Try what they did now and see what happened, or I guess you could just ask the shoe bomber...

I've rooted my Galaxy S II on USCC, and no one is the wiser. I used the Exynos Abuse exploit. Titanium itself is worth rooting your phone.

two words: still regulated...

There are already strict laws put in place on purchasing firearms. Stop pretending that they are unregulated. Just because something is heavily regulated doesn't mean it doesn't somehow get abused.

What floors me about these discussions is that gun control activists act as though the genie isn't out of the bottle. Guns exist. Millions of them. People simply will not turn them in, and it is simple enough to make your own with a little knowledge and a few tools. Stop pretending like a simple law will make them

This is always the argument: "What do people need AR-15s; AK-47; sniper rifles; etc. for?" People have been arguing against using "military type" firearms forever, stating that the general public doesn't need them. Guess what? Last generations "military type weapons" become today's "sporting" firearms. Look at the

I think Dennis would be a pretty great McAfee. He could definitely pull the "crazy" off...

That would be epic...

I read them, but I only really worry about them for stuff at work...

I really dig Swype. It makes typing on a touch screen tolerable.

Coming soon to a theater near you....Taken 3...

No Surefire or Streamlight???

I would have to say Noteshelf. I use it for all of my meeting notes at work. It has saved my desk from looking like a rat nest...