
How did you react to electricity?

Your article: “If the model isn’t certain, then what is it good for?”

The bill in his suit pocket is at least tidy looking, the bill spilling out above his button is sloppy, but the bill propped on top of his right ear... That’s the one that gets me. That’s the one that says I manipulated the favorable tax-treatment of debt in order to fuck American companies and American workers.

I heard the commotion in the aisle, looked up, and saw you emphatically arguing with the flight attendant about whether it would or would not fit under the seat in front of you. I smirked, looked at my watch, sighed, and went back to reading.

Oh, are you garish old money or garish new money?

Please do a pictorial history of Republican trust fund progeny. This reminds me of those gross pictures of Mitt with cash spilling out of his pockets, and all of those white-nosed mugshots of W.

Normalization of the Bircherism of Fred Koch is a greater danger to this country than the normalization of Birtherism.

The cost of researching and engineering these things seems over your head. The real question is can/should the Model X be reviewed without mentioning the purpose of the vehicle? Without mentioning the vehicle’s aim, the article comes off as... welp, aimless. Skepticism is healthy when it is purposeful. Otherwise,

I have to just say down here in the grays that I am really upset with all of you people for not giving this comment more love. I laughed pretty hard when I thought of this, in spite of myself, and my stomach shook when I laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.

It’s not that the article is too long, but that your mind is too short. Read to learn, so that you can be interested and interesting.

This seems like a reallly transparent way to curry flavor.

Is this personal anecdote statistically significant?

^ So much this. Parent wealth is outcome-determinative in the U.S.

The great thing about this Indians starter is that he gives his sitting bullpen a lead, and he doesn’t ask for it back.

“I improved my liquidity by recruiting and protecting rapists for my entire career, and so can you!” - Bobby Bowden, lamenting cultural decline while also making a buck

Even the article’s headline is misleading, sensationalist bull shit. “Elon Musk’s Self-Driving Cars” They know the precise dishonest (and borderline dangerous) misstatement that their headline is making, but they do it anyway.

Nice! An Affirmative Action argument now!

“Para Adrien Gonzales, oprima ‘Uno.’”

These are empty platitudes babbling about “leadership.” That you put HarvardLaw/SidleyAustin in scare quotes as to “success” tells me all I need to know.

Lol, what a confused group, these conservatives... So now you are criticizing Obama for not spending enough?