
All those Republicans losing their minds about the threat of Sharia Law are the very same ones implementing it here.

It was so classic girl talk to apologize for your opinion before you gave it. AND Way to just pick the non impressive director who seems to have done the exact same things that every other white dude director has done. Way to push the limits, Matt & Ben.

Great breakdown. I watched the episode last night and I was SO rooting for Effie and felt uncomfortable on her behalf. Especially when she emphasized on coming from a place “with love in my heart”, like she knew immediately she had to explicitly say it for fear she’d be written off as the angry black woman otherwise.

How in any way shape or form is the NBA currently worse than the Concussion Explosion Salad league?

1) It’s OTL, which is fairly unimpeachable.

Well this doesn’t seem like the way to do it. It makes him look worse than it makes them look.

It’s been amusing to see all the Patriots fans on Twitter who think the guy who wrote this story - http://espn.go.com/espn/otl/story… - is in the pocket of the NFL. They somehow don’t see that the story makes Goodell & the NFL look like shit too.

I’m a Giants fan, what the hell are you talking about? You’re a Vikings fan? You have my sympathies. If you seem to have no issues with people stealing playbook and other things how would you feel if you found out that The Giants had The Vikings playbook and hand signals prior to The 2000 NFC Title Game?

So basically you’re saying that every last one of the 90+ sources in this report lied? Or that ESPN is a sham news source that makes up its stories? Because both are HIGHLY unlikely to be true.

Did you read the article. In the case of The Eagles it was stating that The Pats appeared to have all the answers for a defense that The Eagles hadn’t deployed all year. I know it’s hard to read more than one paragraph but please try.

Sure sounds like Goodell caught them, and then threw them back.

What does Deflategate have to do with Spygate's particulars and Goodell's coverup of it. Again, did you read the article or are you just arguing because "ILUV DA PATS!"

You think the league wants it known that Goodell helped destroy evidence?

Taping another’s team signals was legal? So the Pats lost a draft pick and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines for doing something that was legal? Did you even read the article?

It was not legal,

Whatcha got for swiping play sheets? If they didnt want shit stolen thy shouldnt leave them lying around their own locker room? sure

ESPN carries the NFL’s water. That’s the other thing that all of this has exposed.

good lord. has any sports league ever been less about the actual game itself? i dont even need football at this point in my life, i can just skip the 19 or so weeks of games and still have and 30+ weeks of stupid decision making and millionaire egomaniacs to keep me more than entertained.

The butthurt Pats fans are out in force today! "There's nothing new in here!" "It was legal!" "ESPN are liars!"